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Bang Pd : What Daughter?! Miss Amara , Are you married ?

Amara : Actually Sir , I was married few years ago. When my daughter was 2 months old , her father died in a big car accident . Now I am living life as a single mother. My daughter is only 5 years old , sir. How Can I leave her  alone here?

Bang Pd : But Miss amara , it is a part of your work. As they didn't fluent in English and other language when they go in different countries , you also have to go with them.

Amara : Yeah , Sir , I can understand But sir, Can I
do a request? ( soft tone)

Bang Pd : Yes , Go ahead.

Amara : Can I take my daughter with me whenever we go in different countries? You can cut all the expenses of my daughter during trip from my salery  ( requested tone)

Bang pd : Miss Amara ( little smile)  I can understand your problem. So , You can take her with you And about the expenses  we will pay her half expenses and half will be cut from  your salery.

Amara : Thank you , sir. Thank you so much.

Bang pd : welcome And boys be ready for your next concert , it will be held next friday . That's why you have to go USA after 2 days.

BTS : Okay , Sir . We will be ready. We will give our beat to our Army's.

Amara takes out her phone from her bag and started caressing  her phone screen while saying something in low voice....

Amara : Sazzad , I really miss you. Everything is become very difficult after your death.

Amara was talking to herself but she didn't notice that someone is admiring her secretly....

Taehyung : I genuinely don't know why my brain just goes blank when I look at you ( soft smile)
I think I'm going little crazy...

After sometime taehyung notice Rm is signaling taehyung to give attention to him...

Rm :Guys , guys , guys Let's start our practise from today as we have to give our best performance to our Army's. Are you Ready? Boyss!!!

BTS : Yeeessss ( screaming tone)

So that day BTS left for their practise and Amara spend her whole day in office while getting instructions from her boss about her work .

At night...

Amara at her neighbour aunty's house...

Amara : Asslamualaikum , Raheela aunty.

Raheela : Walaikumusslam , Dear. How's your day?

Amara :  Shukar Alhamdulilah aunty, everything went well today.

Raheela : Come home , dear . Sit and take rest , you look very tired.

Amara : No  Aunty , Thank you so much , I just here to pick up my amna from your house.She didn't bother you that much , did she?

Raheela : No, dear. She didn't. She is such a good girl.

Amara : Ohh but thank you so much aunty for everything .

Raheela : It's okay , dear. You don't have to say thank you . You are like my own daughter.

Amara smile and said ....

Amara : Aunty , where is amna?

Raheela : She is watching cartoons with rina , wait I am calling her. Amna , baby, your eomma is
here to pick you ( Says while shouting)

Amna : halmeoni , I am coming just wait a little. ( shouts back)

After sometime Amna comes and greeted her  mom  in muslim way while hugging.

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