thank you for everything

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Taehyung pov...

After taking a deep breath...

I slowly started enter into the masjid..

Suddenly I heared a sound...

Allahu Akbar    Allahu Akbar

Allahu Akbar    Allahu Akbar

Ashhadu-al-lailaha Illallah

Ashhadu-al-lailaha Illallah

Asshadu Anna Muhammadar-Rasoolullah

Asshadu Anna Muhammadar-Rasoolullah



Hayi-yalal falah...

Hayi-yalal falah...

Allahu Akbar  Allahu Akbar

La-ilaha illallah...

I don't know what is this...but it seems so melodious to me.. This makes me calm..

soon my nervousness gone..

I am feeling so peace inside me....

The people inside Masjid started staring at me..

It makes me lil uncomfortable...

soon I reached to that room where Mr.Ibrahim was reciting Quran..

His honey voice attracts me to know what he was reading...

I didn't want to stop him what he was doing but he notice presence.....

Suddenly he looked at me..

Taehyung : A-Aslam-mua-alai-ikum Mr.Ibrahim..

He softly smiles and said..

Mr.Ibrahim : Walaikum Salam , My Child.. Who are you? Come here..

Taehyung slowly went towards him..

Mr.Ibrahim : sit child..and tell me who are you?

Taehyung sit beside him on the floor  and said...

Taehyung : I am the one who called you today you remember..??

Mr.Ibrahim : must be..Kim...

Taehyung : Taehyung..Kim Taehyung..

Mr.Ibrahim : Oh..yes..Kim Taehyung..I got yeah..taehyung , my child...May I know the reason why you want to become  Muslim?

Taehyung : Actually...Mr.Ibrahim..I fell in love with a girl who is Muslim.. that's why I wanted to marry her..but she said..she won't marry me because I am non-muslim..she also said she can't marry me against Her Allah...Her Deen...

Mr.Ibrahim : you want to become Muslim..for the sake of your love..right..?

Taehyung nodded his head..

Mr.Ibrahim : Okay..first of all..let me ask you some question!! Do You Know Who Is Allah?

Taehyung : No...

Mr.Ibrahim take a deep breath and Said...

" He is Allah, None has the right to be worshipped but He ; the All-Knower of the unseen and the seen ( open). He is the Most Beneficent , the Most Merciful. He is Allah none has the right to be worshipped but He; the King , the Holy , the One free from all defects , the Giver of security , the Watcher over his creatures , The All-Mighty , the Compeller , the Supreme,  Glory Be to Allah! ( High is He) above all that they associate as partners with Him. He is Allah , the creator , the inventor of All things , the Bestower of forms. To Him belong the Best Names. All that is in the Heavens and The earth glorify Him.And He is the All-mighty ,
the All Wise [ Al-Hashr 59:22-24]

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