Angry Bird

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Play :  Sun Sathiyaa-Sachin Jigar ( play for better experience)

Amara Pov...

I don't why but something was happening to me seeing taehyung and that girl together.

I was feeling so anger inside me..

I felt like someone is trying to snatch what's mine.

This is very unfamiliar feeling to me..

I never felt this much angry...

I know I shouldn't feel like this

My blood started boil in anger...

I  really don't know what happen that time but the glass of juice which was in my hand broke with a loud sound.. Which was enough audible to taehyung..

Hearing that Taehyung and that girl looked at me..

My daughter , my Amna started screaming-

Amna : Eomma , blood!! Blood!!

I also notice that  the flow of  blood started coming out from my hand....

The way pieces of glass entered inside my was crystal clear that it broke because of excessive pressure of my hand...

I was feeling so much pain but my anger took over my pain..

Suddenly I saw taehyung and that girl coming towards of my direction..

Taehyung : AMARA!! WHAT IS THIS???? ( pointing at her hand)


Amara : I don't know.



saying that Taehyung about to hold Amara's other
hand but Amara immediately backed away and said...

Amara : Taehyung , it's okay , I can manage . ( small forced smile)

Saying that she hold Amna's hand and said..

Amara : Amna , let's go to hospital.. eomma need to treat her hand...hmm..

saying that she slowly started walking as her leg was also injured because of yesterday's incident...

Play : Pee Loon - Mohit Chauhan ( play for better experience)

Taehyung pov....

Taehyung : This girl think I don't understand hmm..??

I have noticed how you are looking at me when halsey hugged me..

Hmm my girl is so  jealous..

My angry bird was so angry that her anger came out by breaking the glass in her hand...

Taehyung : Halsey , I will talk to you later ,hmm.
Excuse me..

Halsey : Oh , Okay...bye..see yaa.

Amara pov..

I was walking slowly and about to leave that party..

But someone held the sleeve of my Abaya..

Taehyung : Oh Hello Madam ? Where are you going???

Amara : Are you deaf? I said Na I am going hospital...

Taehyung : Okay but without me???

Amara : Oh please Taehyung!! I am not a kid . I can go by myself.

Taehyung : Who is saying you are kid?? You are a grown up woman.. that's why I will also go with you.

Play : Jeene bhi de - Yasser Desai ( for better experience)

Amara became quiet and again started walking..
taehyung also started walking with her..

Finally they reached to the hospital..

At Doctor's cabin...

The nurse is slowly taking out the pieces of glass from her hand..

Amara was feeling extreme pain..
she pressed her lips due to extreme pain..

Taehyung was feeling very miserable seeing his love in pain...

Taehyung : Nurse , please do slowly..she is feeling pain..

Nurse : Sir , I am doing slowly..

Play : Dil Mein Ho tum - Armaan Malik ( for better experience)

Amna : please aunty , do slowly , my eomma is in pain ( sad pout with teary eyes)

Amara : I am okay.. ( small smile)

Taehyung : Amara , look at my eyes..

Amara Looked at his eyes...

Their eyes met...

Amara became lost in his eyes...

To reduce Amara's pain , taehyung wanted divert amara's attention somewhere that's why he did this...

Taehyung also lost in her eyes...

Nurse : Aah..finally done.. Ms.Amara , we are done..

Ms.Amara ??? Ms.Amara??

Nurse was saying this without looking at her..

When she looked at them..she smiles..
seeing them lost in each others eyes...

Nurse : How romantic!! ( smiles)

Amna : Eomma see this aunty treat your wound...
Eomma? Eomma???

Offo!! Eommaaa!!!!!

Hearing Amna's loud voice..

Taehyung and Amara back to their sense..

Amara : Y-yes , yes baby? Do you need something?

Amna : Eomma , What happen to you?

Amara awkwardly laugh and said..

Amara : Nothing , baby.

Nurse : Ms.Amara , we are done , you can leave.

Amara : What we are done? But how did this happen so fastly?

Nurse : It's happen when you both were lost in each others eyes.

Hearing that taehyung and Amara blushed together....

Nurse : Okay , so you can take the medicines from the counter which doctor prescribed and yeah be careful about your wound.

Amara : Okay , Nurse..( smiles)

Time skip...

At night..

Amara is packing her things because tomorrow taehyung will go back to korea as his work is done..

Amara was totally unaware the fact that something biggest is waiting for her in Korea..

Which can be her biggest nightmare...

Can she able to bear the upcoming storm?


Guys what do you think what is waiting for her??
Stay tune with me to know about this...

Btw guys check my new ff on my You tube channel...

Channel Name : Kpop Sequence

Take love from Ishika🇧🇩💜

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