Mr.Kim Taehyung sir

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Play : Aawara shaam hain -( for better experience)

Time skip...

At flight...

Amara , Amna and taehyung was sleeping in flight...

Amara's seat was beside Taehyung and Amna was sleeping on Amara's lap...

Amara was in deep sleep...

But taehyung woke up...

suddenly his gaze fell on Amara's face..

He saw Amara was sleeping peacefully...

The calmness of her face attracts taehyung most...

He was admiring his love...

He badly wanted kiss Amara on her forehead but he knows very well that he is Na- Mehram for Amara...

Beside this he didn't wanted to take advantage of Amara's sleeping state..

He was lost in her beauty suddenly  Amara started moving...

She was moving because she was feeling cold because of AC  which taehyung understood...

He immediately take off his jacket to cover Amara with this...

He kissed on Amna's cheek before Covering her and her eomma with the jacket...

Taehyung : My princesses are sleeping peacefully...

I wish Amara would give me a chance so that I can prove her how much she is important for me , how much Amna is important for me...

Taehyung sighed and started thinking these things while closing his eyes...

Time skip...

They reached at their destination...

Taehyung , Amara and Amna got down from Flight...

Taehyung : Amara , our car is already waiting for us there. Let's go , it will directly take us to the hotel.

Amara : Hmm...let's go..

Time skip..

At hotel...

After reaching hotel , they directly went to their respective rooms , as hotel rooms were
Pre- booked by Taehyung...

At 4p.m...

Amara was offering her Asr salah...

Amna was munching her chips and playing with her dolls...

Suddenly someone knocked at their door..

Amna opened the door...

Amna : Tata!!

Taehyung : Yes , my little princess , it's me. What are you doing?

Amna : I was eating chips and playing with my dolls... will you play with me tata?? please!!

Taehyung : But-

Amna : Tata ,please!!!!!

Taehyung : Okay , okay , my little princess.

Amna : Okay then come with me...
saying that Amna pulled taehyung's hand and started taking him inside the room...

Taehyung : A-Amna , w-wait I won't get inside  , your eomma will be mad at me..

Amna : No , she won't say anything...

Amna was pulling taehyung inside the room...

At that time..

Amara came here while saying..

Amara : Amna , who is there? With whom you are talking?


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