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Amna left the room...

Amara : So What did you want to talk to me about?

Taehyung : Umm...Actually We need your help .

Amara : Help..?

Jimin : Yes , Actually Jungkook wants to
propose Annie tonight.

Amara : Propose...? wait!! does he love annie??

Taehyung and Jimin nodded their head at her statement....

Taehyung: That's why we need your help.

Amara : But how can I help you..?

Jimin : Actually Jungkook wants us to decorate Annie's terrace because he will propose her in her terrace . So we want you to help us in decorating...

Amara : What..?!! ....Sorry guys but I can't... ( apologising tone)

Jimin : Why????

Amara : First of all Relationship is Haram in Islam , if we can't be in Relationship then we can't also help others in having haram relationships.... Sorry...
(low tone)

Taehyung : But... Okay fine you don't have to help us in decorating just you have to let us know about Annie's favourite colour and flower..!! Please

Jimin : Yes , Amara please...

Amara : Okay fine.. that's mean I have to talk to her right now as it's almost afternoon and also you have to arrange everything . Okay then Wait here
I will come after talking to her..

Amara at kitchen...

Amara : Annie , what are you doing?

Annie : I am cooking lunch for y'all. I am almost done!! Do you need something..??

Amara : Annie ,I notice you have huge collection of red coloured cloths , is this your favorite colour?

Annie : YES!! I love red colour that's why I paint my home in a redish shade... What about you..??

Amara : Umm , I like purple .

Annie : Oooo.

Amara : Btw which flower do you like?

Annie : I love rosses...!!

Amara : Really..!! Me too...

Annie : Okay but  Amara why are you asking me right now?

Amara : I just want to talk to you as I was so bored in my room..

Annie : Ohh , okay . Amara..!! Will you go with me shopping ???

Amara : Shopping..???

Annie :  Yes , Shopping!!! Please I don't want to hear any excuse ....Okay!! No you go and get ready , I will be back after cleaning this mess...

Amara : Aish!! This girl!! Okay fine.. ( chuckled)

Jimin and Taehyung waiting for Amara to come...

When comes to her room....

Amara : Guys listen Annie's favourite colour is red and she loves rosses , so you guys decorate the terrace with red roses..

Jimin : Okay , Thank you , Amara!!

Amara : No need... (smile)

Taehyung : But how we will arrange everything ?? Annie is home if she find out about it then everything will be ruined.

Amara : Don't worry , she said she wants to go shopping with me , it will be great opportunity for you .

Jimin : Thank god , Okay then let's go , Taehyung , we have to go outside for buying everything..

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