Omg she?!!

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Amara : Angelina Can you help me?

Angelina : Yes ,Of course, Bestie. Tell me what I can do for you?

Amara : I am looking for a good job. You know na Amna is growing up and I have to ensure  for her a bright future for that I have to earn money.

Angelina : Okay I will talk to Yun Shik about your job. Don't worry I will try my best , okay.

Amara : Thank you , Angelina.

Time skip

Amara's home....

Amara does ablution to offer her Isha prayer

While Offering her salat...

Amara  : Yaa Allah , My Amna is growing up . Please help me to find a good job . After death of Sazzad I became so lonely , Yaa Allah please give me strength so that I can take good care of her❤

Soft sob left from her mouth..

After finishing her prayer...

Amara is not feeling good thats why she recite Quran to calm her mind and soul . She feels so peace when recite Quran....

When she is about to recite Quran-

Suddenly Amna come and  hug her tightly and said ....

Amna : Eomma why Allah took my appa away from me? does Allah not love me?

Amara : cupcake , don't say like that. Allah loves his all servent.

Amna : I am sorry eomma but I want my appa .
Eomma brought my appa please .

Amara : Sshh , baby . Appa can't come back. Please try to understand , you are my good baby  na? Now go sleep and let Eomma recite Quran okay?

Amna : Okay Eomma.

Amara : Sazzad I miss you so much ( while crying softly) . See our daughter is yearning for you . After your death I became so broken and lonely.

Yaa Allah , make me strong .

End of Amara pov

At Taehyung's Home -

Taehyung is thinking something while lying in his bed-

Taehyung : I don't know what happened but I can't stop thinking about that girl in hijab in wedding. Her beautiful Hazel eyes are really mersmerizing. I never felt like this for anyone but She is different . Her husband must be so lucky having this beautiful angel in his life .

Taehyung sighed and said...

Taehyung : Taehyung why are you thinking about her like that? You shouldn't think about her like that maybe it's just an attraction . I will forget her soon.

In the morning ....

Angelina calls Amara


Amara : Asslamualaikum , Angelina

Angelina : Walaikumusslam , My bestie. I really love how you greet with people.

Amara smiles softly and said..

Amara : Really ? That's good.

Angelina : Hmm , Angelina I have  a good news for you.

Amara : Good news? what good news?

Angelina : I found a suitable job for you.

Amara : Really , Alhamdulilah.

Angelina :   Yun shik told you to submit your CV as soon as possible.

Amara : Okay now tell me what type of job it is ?

Angelina : As you have a course on Spoken English that's why he wanted you to work as a translator.

Amara : Okay, I guess It will be suitable job for me.

Angelina : Hmm , I will send you every single detail about your job and workplace okay.

Amara : Thank you so much. I will always be grateful to you❤

Angelina : No need , bestie. It's my great pleasure.

End of OTP

Next Day.....

At Hybe..

Bang Pd : Boys our old translator Ms.Nicole left her job few days ago so we are hiring a new translator for y'all.

JungKook : Ohh . What happened to Ms.Nicole.

Bang Pd : Jungkook , We don't know anything about her as she didn't tell us why she left her job.

Bang Pd : So today we are going to introduce you with our new translator .

When she enters in that room everyone says hi to her but

Taehyung : Wait , Is she our new translator?

To Be Continue

Guess who is new translator? Guys I am very happy that y'all loving my story. Thank you so much keep supporting me❤

Take love from Ishika💜🇧🇩

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