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Next day..

Today taheer called a press conferance...

Everyone was very curious to know about the reason of his doing this....

Reporter 1 : Sir..May I know why we are called here..?

Taheer : So..I called a press conferance because I want to declare something important...

By now you probably know that I have quit my career as a singer...

Report 2 : Yes , sir.. It was confirm by Hybe that you left your career as a singer..

Reporter 3 : Sir...May we know the reason?

Taheer : It's because I realize that I was in wrong path.. I realize that I was born not for doing these things...I was born to worship my Allah...to spread the islam among the world..to lead my life in a halal way...

Y'all must be thinking that Taehyung is christian why he is saying these things...

It's because I reverted myself into Islam..I found the right path in Islam..the actual peace in Islam..Now I want to spend my whole in worshiping my Allah.....

Y'all know me as V or Kim taehyung but I am no longer  V or Kim Taehyung anymore...

From Now Y'all know me as Taheer...Taheer Al Ashraaf...

from now it's my new identity....

I am going to build a  company which will be named as Ashrafi Enterprise...

Now Y'all see me as a Buisnessman..

I hope I will be sucessful in my journey as a Buisnessman In Sha Allah...

Reporter 1 : Sir...We can see a huge change in yourself.. is it because that muslim girl? With whom you were spotted in France.

Taheer : I am not going to say anything about those photos or anything about my personal life..
when the right time will come you will get to know everything...

Now I am going to end this press conferance..thank you for coming....

Time skip...

At Busan..

Amara has just come to her home...

Ara : Asslamualaikum Appi..

Amara : Walaikum Salam Ara.. how are you..

Ara : I am fine appi..how is my niece? hmm..did she miss ara aunty..?

Amna : I missed you so much Ara aunty..!! ( Hugged Ara)

Ara : Aww..my Amna..Ara aunty also missed you so much ( taking Amna in her Arms)

Amara : Ara.. Where is eomma?

Ara : Eomma is offering her dhuhr prayer...to be honest Eomma is so angry on you after those photo viral..

Amara : I know Ara...But trust me I am innocent I didn't do anything wrong...everyone is misunderstanding me..

Ara : Appi..you don't have to explain yourself to me..I know my appi can't do anything wrong..there must be something behind those photos..

tears form in Amara's eyes..

She immediately hugged Ara and said..

Amara : Thank you..my sister..Thank you for understanding me...

Ara : It's okay Appi..for now take rest hmm..you must be tired...I am bringing lunch for you both..

Time skip..

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