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Play : Belki ( for better experience)

But they failed to run away from The police....

The police arrested them...

When Amara gets free from that guy , she immediately went near the bloddy body of taehyung which is covered by his own blood....

Amara : T-taehyung I -I am s-sorry.

As Taehyung's condition was not very good, Amara decided to rush him to the hospital with the help of the police....

At hospital...

Amara already informed other members and Annie about taehyung.....

Jimin : W-where where is taehyung??? Is he okay???!!!!!

Amara : He is in ICU... ( burst in tears)

Annie hugs Amara tightly seeing her condition...

Rm : H-how did this happened Miss Amara?

Amara : It's all because of me.... I shouldn't have go near lake side alone.

Jungkook : But what happened there???

Amara told them about the whole incident....

Jin : Amara , sister, It's okay, don't cry , It's not your fault. Just pray for him.

Amara : No Mr. Jin , I can't forgive myself , If anything happens to him ..!! He risks his own life for saving me.

Annie : Sshh , don't cry , Just pray for him ,hmm ( rubbing her back)

Suga : I just hope everything will be fine.

At that doctor come near them...

Doctor : Who is here with Mr.Kim Taehyung?

Jin : Yes , we are here with him . Is he okay?

Doctor : His condition is not so good because of internal . plus We need AB+ blood for him? Does anybody have same blood group as him?

Annie : Don't worry , You can take mine.

Doctor : Okay , Miss Annie, come with us to fulfil all the requirements , so that you can take blood from you.

Annie :Okay , Doctor , I am coming.

When Annie is about to go...

Jungkook: Wait , Annie , I also come with you.

Annie : Aah , thank you , Jungkook but You don't need to come with me , I will be back soon.

JungKook : Please Let me come with you , Annie. ( Says with sincerity)

Annie : Okay , Fine , Come with me.

Then Jungkook go with Annie to fulfil the requirements...

Amara was feeling so guilty because of Taehyung's this condition.

Amara is crying sliently while reciting dua for him....

Amara : O Allah! Lord of the world! You put off His pain and heal. Simce you're a healer. Your restoration is actual recuperation. You therapy the ailment in any such manner that it eradicates the disorder.

Amna who couldn't process anything what is happening here...

Amna is worried seeing her mother's devastating state...

Amna : Eomma , what happen , why you are crying? why everyone here is so sad?? And Why we are here?

Annie hold Amna 's hand said....

Annie : Dear , Your tata is sick that's why we are here. . Everyone is sad because your tata is not well . Baby , pray for your tata , So that he can get well soon.

Amna : Okay , Aunty . I will pray for Tata....

After 2 hours...

Annie and Jungkook come back...

Jungkook : Annie , You must be feeling weak.Will you eat something? Should I bring something for you?

Annie : Jungkook , I am okay , I don't to eat to anything right now..

Jungkook : Okay , then , sit here and take rest.

After sometime , doctor came out from ICU and said..

Doctor : Don't worry our patient's condition is good now But He need some days to cure fully.

Y'all can't see him right now as he is unconscious...

You need to wait some hours , when he regain his conscious , you can meet him.

Amara : Shukar Alhamdulilah , Everything is fine.

Jungkook : Thank god , our Taehyung is okay , now.

Time skip....

Taehyung regain his conscious...

Taehyung : A-Amara , Amara , where is she? Where am I ? ( weak voice)

Seeing taehyung murmuring something , A nurse came near him...

Nurse : Sir , do you need something?

Taehyung : Amara , Miss Amara , where is she?

Nurse : Everyone is outside , just wait a minute , sir I am calling them...

Nurse : Who is Miss Amara? Here ? Taehyung sir is calling you and others also can meet with him....

Rm : Guys let's go inside...

Everyone went inside the room...

Jimin : Taehyung , Are you okay?

Taehyung : J-jimin , jimin , what are you doing here ? and where is Miss Amara? Is she okay?

Play : Janiye - Vishal Mishra ( For better experience)

Amara immediately comes in front of him as he was searching for her....

Amara : I am fine , Mr. Kim , Are you okay???

Taehyung smiles seeing her face and said..

Taehyung : Miss Amara , you look so cute with puffy eyes and red nose.

Suddenly a flush creeps on Amara 's cheek hearing taehyung's words...

Amara : M-Mr. K-Kim , I-I think you s-should t-take rest ( looks down)

Amara ignored his words cause she didn't know what to reply....

To be continue...

Guys , I am sorry for late update. I know you all are impatiently wait for this part. Even some people also keep asking on my instagram reels and wattpad about uploading this part.
I hope you all are loving my story, Thanks for watching....

Take love from Ishika🇧🇩💜

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