Someone new

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"homje?.... " Hannah asks hugging me

" sniff*... What?...."

"are you OK? "

"Yup I am just great" I say giving her a big smile.

"oh cut the crap"


"he hurt you"
"and you just let him"

"because I love him!"

"we are in the middle of a Zombie Apocalypse let him go"

As she says this a zombie walks up to us and I just lift up my samurai sword and the zombie walks right through it.


"you really don't care anymore do you?" she asks as stabs the zombies in the head with her pocket knife.

The zombie falls and goes through the sword and lays on the ground.

"hey I wanted to keep that zombie..."

" well you can't have one..... Let's go inside its cold out here and you are frozen"

"no.... Give me a couple minutes I want to let of some steam"

"you have one arm.... And you want to stay our here all by yourself?" she asks looking Into my eyes

"yaa did to you trust me? "


"I'll be inside in a little bit"

As I say this she walks away towards the house. Once she is out of sight I look back towards the building's. The smell of smoke and rotting people filled the air. My arm was in a make shift cast and I held my sword in the other hand. Hannah is right why am I Thinking of this now? I'm so stupid....

I walk around some buildings and look up the sky. The clouds are moving east and everything feels so calm. I look down and start heading back to where kalven broke my arm. You could see a pool of blood and the cloth I was wearing. I poker it will with my sword and made a hole through it. I hear a few zombies out in The distance and I was towards them. I jump on top of a car and look over. One, two, three Ummmmm maybe 20 or 50 well I should go then. I jump off and start walking away the zombies didn't see me and are just walking in circles like idiots.

As I'm walking away I hear 2 gun shots.

"what the hell? "

It came from the other side of the car I was on and it was past the zombies I was looking at. I walk back to the care and look through the windows, I see the zombies heading back over the hill and I decide to follow. As I walk I realize a ladder leading up to a building. Maybe if I go up on top I can see what's going on.

So I start going up the ladder and when I get to the top I look in the direction where the noise came from. In the distance I see someone and maybe 6 other people in a circle surrounded by zombies. Should I help them? Nah they are all men and they would probably hurt me if I tried. So I look back at the ladder and start to walk towards it. As I'm going down it I'm thinking about what kalven said.

" JUST TELL ME! " It echos in my head as I get down to the bottom. You know I never knew how hard It was to go up and down a ladder with one hand.

I start waking back to the house when I hear something behind me. I look back and take out my sword. At this moment I am on full alert. I look around myself and see nothing..... I keep my sword up and turn around again. I start to walk a little faster and I soon get back to the car I was at. When ask of a sudden I hear a voice

"Look out! "

I turn around and see a guy right in front of me with a zombie on the floor.

"ahh" I scream in shock

"Shhhh Shhhh. It's OK I'm not going to hurt you" he says as he backs away a little bit

"what.... UMM... Who are you? "

" my name is Zach. Whats your name?"


"Ohhhh you have a pretty name" he says this smiling and putting his hand out for a hand shake.

I shake his hand and examine him carefully. He has long Ish black hair that he flips as he talks and he looks about 15 or 16 years old and he has snake bites. He is actually kinda of cute and he is holding an axe in his hand.

"Soo UMM what's a pretty girl doing our here all by herself?" he asks flipping his Hair to the side

"uhhh what? ummm well I was taking a walk..."

"well you should be careful... What happened to your arm?"

"oh UMM I broke it..."

"and what about your other arm"

"a nail went through it... "

"wow your a strong girl. Well... I heard someone crying over here and wanted to check it out. "

"oh um Ya that would be me... "

"what happened are You in pain?"

"no my arms are fine it's just some stuff... A lot of stress."

"oh I'm sorry... Do you have a place to go?"

Do I tell him yes? I don't know...


Kinda!? What's wrong with you!? You don't just say kinda your so stupid.

"well I hope so. Because I would hate to see a girl like you being on your own. He says this smiling a little

You know he isn't too bad I wonder if he has a place to be?

"do you... "

"Shhhh!" he says this covering my mouth
"there are some guys come with me over here"

So we went over to a building and hid. What is going to happen if they find us?

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