Good to bad

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        You know not having a hand isn't as bad as you might think. I mean I can t do the things I used to be able to do but I can still use my sword. Things have been really tense with Zach and kalven they always fight and I usually have to break them up. Truthfully I don't give a shit about kalven so I don't worry when he gets hurt. Sam has given this place some light though she always has a joke to tell or is just goofing off with a zombie or two. I'm glad I found her she really makes things more enjoyable.

  Me and Hannah are back to walking on the beach at night's and messing around like normal. She seems q little bit off though lately, I'm not sure if it's because I no longer have a hand anymore or if it's the tension in the house.  Anyways I hope she is fine i don't want her to be sad. Since Sam came we had to open a bed for her so Zach is with me now and Sam has his bed. We are doing good on food but it won't last forever. Maybe Sam, Hannah and I should go looking for food you know some girl time I haven't had that in a  while. 

  So I asked if they wanted to go and they agreed. We went outside and headed to some buildings around the area. We walked into a building that had broken windows and the door was blocked you with stools and tables. As we walked through I found an area where it looked like food would be. The other two joined me and we walked intibanothwr part of the shop. At the looks of this place I'm pretty sure this is a mini mart. On some shelves were packages of bread they looked really old but surprisingly still good I grabbed a few and stuck them in my bag. I looked to my left and on the floors were trails of blood everywhere. Sam and hannah were a couple of feet from me when I hear a bang.

  "Oww..... Ewww"

  I turn around and I see Sam on the ground and it looks like she stepped in some zombie blood. But it didn't look like just blood when I looked closer I realized that it was a zombies head. And with their head being all mush it just fell apart in a soupy mess. I go and help Sam up and we look at the souped up head. Hannah went off a little to look for the body. While me and Sam went on looking for food. I ended finding a couple boxes of crackers and some frozen ham.  We walked out of the store and headed towards some other buildings that were a couple blocks away. All along then road were dead bodies well at least I hope they were all dead. You know what I mean like in zombie movies where there are a bunch of "dead zombies" but the there is always that one zombie that is all like hey guys I'm still alive.  Some one gets bit then dies and then bites everyone else then its all like well you people were stupid. Anyways we walked over the dead bodies and then made it to the other building that were much larger then the first. Sam and Hannah broke the window and headed inside, I stayed outside to watch to make sure no zombies got inside without any of us knowing. after a couple minutes they both came out .

       " man this is boring we should do something fun" Sam said with a grin

      " last time you guys did anything fun Chelsi lost her hand hahah" Hannah said laughing a little

       " Oh shut up hahahah but Sam is right this is boring and you know its just us girls we haven't done anything fun for a while." I say as walk in the middle of them

       "ohhhh I know lets play a game where we each have a zombie and we have to cut something off of its body and whoever can keep their zombie alive the longest wins" Hannah says jumping out in front of us.

     " lets do it!!!" Sam and I both agreed at the same time.

 And so let the games begin we first all got a zombie and each cut off an arm then a leg and so on in the end I totally won! hannahs looks at me in sadness Sam laughs. really I don't think we have had so much fun doing anything since the apocolyps started. we decided to stay outside all day until I realize it was getting dark so we turned around and ran back to the house. but before we could even get close to the house the sun set and we were in the darkness of the night. And truthfully I don't even know where we are right now. We could hear the moans and groans of zombies not to far behind us we  then started running again when I hear Sam trip and fall.

      " aahhh!"

I go back and help her up and I shine my mini flash light up down the road and I saw the most horrifying thing. Around 30 to 40 zombies all coming towards us they were so close to us that I could even tell you what the closest zombie was wearing in full detail. She was wearing a light blue sweater with red pants, she looked about 18 and she had blonde hair, half of her face was torn and I could see the bones in her left cheek move as she opened her mouth and blood just flowed out of her mouth as if she had just eaten something in the past 5 minutes. I pushed Sam in the other direction and yell at them to run, I turned around and followed them down the dark street. I soon caught up to the both of them and shined my flash light in front so I could see where I was going. As I looked at the ground I realized that there were less zombies on the ground then when we walked through here this morning I lifted my light and in front of us were zombies that were facing the other direction. I stopped and stood there in terror and Hannah and sam stopped next to me. We stood there and stared at them for a second when one of the zombies turned around and saw us standing there. It stopped then came toward us bumping into other zombies which made them turn around and see us. We stepped back a little when we could hear the moans of the zombies behind us creep up on us. I looked at the others and I turned to my left and saw an alley way I ran over to the alley and saw an escape ladder  I yelled at them and they came running over to me I had them go up the ladder as I looked over down the entrance of the alley and all ready 10 of them at least have made their way in. I looked back at the ladder and then I put the flash light in my pocket and rushed up the ladder and as I looked down I could see them reaching up at me as I got higher and higher.

     as I reached the top Hannah and Sam helped me up onto the building, as I stood up I  looked back down and then I looked at Sam we were all out of breath and I was worried that Zach would come after me at this time and then he will get killed. I hope he doesn't worry about us and just knows that we will be and be back in the morning. well at least I hope we will be able to get back tomorrow........ 

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