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we were now heading to the city to see if we could find Kalven and my brother. finding them both will give me a lot of courage because I doing think I could go to far without having them. my mom was looking sluggish and sad she was kinda lagging behind so I told her that we had to hurry before sun down. it was probably 5:00 so we have been out for almost half a day I could see the sun getting ready to go down.

Max was still walking with me and Andrew and Hannah were a couple feet behind us. my mom was trying to catch up but she was still a little slow I will see if I can do anything for her as soon as we find somewhere to hide out.

after about an hour we found a little place with trees in a circle so we decided to hang out there. that's when I said "we need to climb the trees so we can get some sleep."

"climb?!" Andrew asked

"ya it should be pretty easy" Hannah said smiling

back when everything was normal Hannah and I would climb trees and just hang out and talk. I wish those days were still here I could tell Hannah wished that too.

"I can't climb though" my mom said sadly

" well we will help you we need to get in the trees" Hannah said quickly

so we started to get up in the trees, I went first and then my mom went right after me. I tried my best to help her and we got her a pretty good ways up. I was relieved that we got her up, Hannah then got up and she sat next to me on a large branch. max and Andrew went up last. by the time we got all settled it was dark I had remembered that I had a couple lanterns and ropes. so I gave them out and we tied ourselves and had a a little light.

I could see the moon peeking over the mountain and I got very calm thinking about today made me feel happy. we found Andrew and max and I was extremely happy to see them. I think it will be pretty easy being with them because we all said when we were younger that we would all be zombie apocalypse buddies. I sat thinking when I fell asleep in an instant.

the next morning we all got down from the trees and we decided that we had to eat something because we hadn't eaten for almost a day. we didn't have much but it was enough to keep us going, I looked down at my arm and it looked a little better but just a bit bloody. I couldn't do much about it so I just had to put the thought of it aside. we then started to walk along the road again and we were about 10 minutes away from the city.

we were first going to look at my brothers office and then his house. I still had hope that he was still alive because I knew he was strong. also that he could handle it because he always said that he could handle a lot at one time and I'm just hoping he was right. after looking there we will head out to find Kalven the only problem was I didn't know where he lived so it will be a challenge to find him. but I know we will find him dead...or alive.

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