Hell Hole

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The men talked for a little while as I sat by the tree in pain and not able to move. They made quick glances at me but then turned back to the conversation. I could feel the weight of my head on my chest and I knew my neck was not strong enough to lift my head up. Soon the guys came back to the tree and got into a circle around me.

I use all the strength i could and lifted my head a couple inches. I could feel my head pulse and the blood drip from my mouth onto my arm. The men looked at me and one got closer and kneeled down.

"so you want to talk to us now? " he asks looking at me closely

"......" i stay silent and look at him in the eye with my head still low.

"speak up girl! This is your chance to talk now don't waste it!" he says yelling at me. I could feel my head pulse faster as I looked up at him.

"where..... are my ....friends!?"

"poor girl doesn't know what she is talking about. Haha! " one of the men said to the others

"what friends? " another man says smiling and laughing.

" my friends...!! "

"well it looks like she is getting her power back.... Let's take her back to the mall back over there." the one closest to me says.

And with that I see his fist raise up and punch me in the face. With that hard of a blow i pass out as they pick me up.

A couple minutes pass and I wake up and I see blood dripping in a trail as I'm being carried. In the distance I feel like I see Hannah and Zach over by some trees.I try and scream but I can't even move or make a sound. The men don't know I'm awake and I just lay limp as I am carried farther and farther from the house.

The pain in my head gets worse and I pass out again. Later I wake up in a dark room with a dim light above me. Where am I? Where are the guys? I sit there unable to look around or move. I then hear talking around the corner.

"what are we going to do with her? "

"she doesn't go without a fight and she really is a strong girl."

"she won't let us get close enough to her for us to do anything fun. "

"just give it time soon she won't have anything left in her and thats when we can have her. "

With that the voices went away and I sit there in silence. In the distance I hear zombies pass by the thin walls of the building. But they soon go away and I am back in silence. I soon fall asleep as I sit tied to a pillar with rope all around my body.

It's been a couple hours and I'm still tied here and no one has been over here. What are the guys waiting for? I can't defend myself! I am just so tired and I have nothing left in me. I'm pretty sure when I saw Zach and hannah i was just holuscinating. They are all dead and I can't do anything to fix it or make things right. I'm dead meat by this point and I am of no use to anyone. You know I might as well Just feed myself to the zomvies.....i am worth nothing.

I start crying when I hear a couple guys coming over to me. I immediately wipe away my tears and act like I'm asleep. I hear their foot steps get closer until they are in front of me.

"looks like she is still passed out"

"or dead... Is she dead? "

A guy comes over to me and I can feel his breath on my face.

"nope she is still breathing"

"well no one is here why not mess with her a little. Hah! "

As soon as the guy says that the one closest to me sticks his hand up my shirt. I immediately open my eyes and I punch him in the face.

"shit!! She is awake!" the guy says as he realizes his mouth is bleeding.

They look at me and they glare. They then come over to me and grab my arms and tape them together in front of me, Then they tape my mouth. I sit there and I feel rage fill up my body. One guy then walks away and comes back with an empty rice bag. He gets closer to me, stares at me, smiles and then puts the bag over my head.

I sit there as I hear their footsteps go away and I'm back in the silence of the empty room. I try and move my hands but they are taped together to much. Why can't they Just kill me already like seriously. I start to slowly fall back asleep as I feel my breath on the inside of the bag.

This is day 3 of being in this hell hole and I get harassed every hour. I am still putting up a fight but I am loosing strength. I haven't eaten in 4 days and Ive only been able to drink the little water they have been giving me. I was finally able to sleep for one hour and it felt really good. I am going to guess its around 4:00 pm and I am getting tired of sitting here. My mouth is still taped and so are my hands. The bag gets taken off every other hour but then put back on. I can hardly breath in this thing and the ropes are starting to cut my stomach and arms.

Another hour passes and the only thing that is keeping me entertained are the amount of zombies i can hear as they walk by the building. The men finally come back and tell me that are going to be gone for a couple hours to look for food. And of course they tell me I get none of it. I didn't expect anything more from these bastards. They soon left and I feel relieved and decide to sleep for as long as possible. 2 hours pass when I get woken up by someone shaking me.

"Chelsi baby please be alive!"

I suddenly jerk and I start trying to talk


"oh my god you are still alive." they pull off the mask and I see Zach trying to get me untied.

"mvvvvvnnnmm! "

"Shhhh baby its OK I'm getting you out.... Ok this is going to hurt please bare with me." as he says this he grabs the tape on my mouth and rips it off.

"ahhhh!!" i yell in pain but before I could do anything else he kisses me. And soon the pain went away. How? I don't know I'm not a wizard! He kisses me for awhile when he pulls back and looks at me. He then takes the tape off of the rest of my body and picks me up. Hey runs over to the door and looks around the corner. I see the guys coming towards the door and they suddenly stop and turn around to see zombies behind them. They take out there guns and start shooting them. Zach takes this moment and runs away from the building and back to tanners house. After awhile he starts walking and looks down at me I am on the verge of tears but I have no energy left in me. I soon pass out in his arms and I feel him kiss me on the forehead.

Hours later I'm back at tanners house i open my eyes as much as possible and I see Hannah and Max on the couch next to me and Hannah looks terrified. In front of the couch is Zach as he holds my hand. When he realizes I'm awake he tells the others and they come over to me.

"she looks so beat up why would we ever leave her! " Max says as his mouth forms a frown.

"who ever did this to you I am going to kill and make she they die a slow painful death! " Tanner says getting closer to me

"she has blood everywhere and she is still bleeding on her face grab me a towel!" Hannah says to the others

She gets a wet towel and starts to clean my face from all of the blood. They give me water and food. I am not able to sit up and I feel my body pulse in all the pain I had.

"i....thought you guys..... Were dead" i say with as much energy i had left.

Zach looks at me and holds onto my hand. " we are going nowhere baby." And with that I fell asleep.

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