Bloody Mess

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  its been an hour and I'm still leading the group thoughts were shooting through my head. we were just about to get to max's house when I heard crackling in the distance. I signaled Hannah and the others to stop and stay put and I headed towards the noise. when I got closer I saw 3 zombies wandering around and looking clueless. I got out my knife and told Hannah to take the other past me and towards she just looked at me and told me that u would be killed.

  when she said that the zombies heard her I then yelled at her to go. she had tears in her eyes and ran to the other and they headed to the house. when I saw that they started to get away I turned towards the zombies and they were heading straight for them. I ran out to the opening and started to yell at them and waved my hands around. they turned around and staggered my way.

  when they got closer I took one zombie and stabbed it right in the head it squirmed for a second but then it stopped. I dropped the zombie and looked at the other 2. they had gotten closer while I was trying to get the other one. one lunged forward at me and it pushed me to the ground. I struggled to get back up when the zombie got closer and started to grab for my arm.

  I kicked it as hard as I could and the arm just fell off with a soupy mess after it. it got all over me but the zombie kept trying, in the process of me falling to the ground the knife skid away from me. I was trying to find something to hit it with when all of a sudden the second zombie came right from behind me. it fell right on top of me I struggled to push it away. I found a rock and smashed the zombie in the face it laid next to Me bleeding with a chunky mess underneath it.

  then I took the same rock and hit the other zombie but the zombie moved and it only hit its neck. blood was squirting every where and it just kept coming for me. I pushed the zombies head up for a second when all of a sudden an arrow went right through its face. the zombie fell on top of me and I pushed it to the side of me I just laid there. I sighed deeply and tried to catch my breath when I saw a familiar face appear above me.


  "Uughh!" I said with a small breath

  "oh my gosh I'm so glad your OK" max said with a relieved face

  " your still alive? thank goodness!" I said with a smile

  "of course I am. I am so happy your still alive"

  I was still laying on the ground when max stuck his hand out to help me up. I took his hand and he pulled me up my head hurt after being smashed Into the ground like that. I rubbed my head and max handed me my knife.

  "thanks for saving me" I said taking the knife and putting it in my pocket

  "no problem I am just glad your OK"

  "oh have you been in your house hannah,Andrew and my mom went to look for you?"

  "no I haven't let's go get them"


  after that we headed to his house and I saw Hannah through the window. we walked into the house and and Hannah looked up and ran to me and was about to hug me until she saw that i was covered in blood. she just smiled and told me she was happy I was still. she turned to max and hugged him.

  a little bit after we talked about the plan we headed out and I took lead again. max was walking with me and he asked about my arm. I told him what happened and he just said "awe man that sucks and it looks like it hurts" I just laughed and told him it was better and that it hurt a lot. we walked for another 2 hours because we were heading to town to see if we could find Kalven. and my brother. my mom was looking a little better but she still had me very concerned. I don't know if I will find tanner but if we do it will relieve me of so much that has happened.

  my head still hurt and my arm got cut a little so it was bleeding again I had scratches along my back and legs. but my spirits were still high and I hope to find more courage to keep going.

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