My Brother

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I run over to the zombies in front of me as I pull out my sword. A zombie reaches out at me as I cut off his head. I look to my right and I see more getting closer I pull out my pistol and shoot 3 of them. Their bodies lay motionless as I look around me to see how many are left. I look behind me and I see Nate watching me when I go to turn back around 2 zombies grab me and I drop my pistol and I fall to the ground, I look around for my sword to see it 5 feet from me. I look back at the zombies as they chomp down next to my face. As I'm struggling I hear Nate come over to me.
" What did I tell you!" as I grab my pocket knife out and stab one right in the eye. I see him back up a bit as I go and shove the knife inside the head of the next zombie. As I push it off me the rest of the zombies that were no closer then I wanted were coming down to me and grabbing at my arms and legs. I kick one away from me and go to stab one of the zombies when it moves it's head. My knife slips past his head as it stands another zombie in the stomach. When I rip out the knife the entire belly of the zombies get cut open. Guts go piling all over me as I struggle to hit another zombie. That when I hear my gun get pushed next to me. I look down to my side and see my pistol I grab it immediately I point it at the zombies heads one by one and shoot. After a couple seconds everything is silent I lay there on the ground covered in guts and blood. I start to push zombies off of me and get up. I look up at Nate as he stands there silent. I turn around and walk over to my sword, I pick it up and put it on my back again. I'm dripping with blood when I look at my shoulder I see an intestine, I pull it off and look back at Nate. I walk over to him and then just flat out hug him.
"Ahh what are you doing?! " he says yelling
" oh now you don't wanna a hug wow" I say as I rub my hands on his back wiping the blood all over him. I step back and laugh.
"your welcome, its a present no need to give me anything" I say as I take out a cloth and rub my face trying to get some off. Nate stands there in disgust as he looks down and sees blood all over him. He looks back at me and has a strait face.
"is this pay back for what I did"
" nah I just felt like doing it" I turn around and start walking away.
" wait where are you going?" he says like a small lost child.
I turn my head to look back at him and say
" you wanted to talk so let's talk" I sat smiling and then turning my face back in front of me. I hear him stand for a second and then run after me. I keep walking as he runs up to my side. I stay silent and look forward with what Sam calls my rbf (resting bitch face) I see Nate look at me with studying eyes. When he speaks up in a small voice.
"umm so hi how are you. That's cool..... Good talk" he says looking forward again scratching his head. I giggle and look at him for a second when I see a couple guys not too far from us. I push Nate to the ground and fall on top of him.
"well hello there cutie..."
"shhhh! " I put my finger to my lips as I glare at him. As I look up I see the men stop and talk as they face the other direction. I look back down at Nate as he just stares at me. I get closer to his ear and whisper
"don't say a word unless you feel like dying... K? Cool" his expression goes from being happy that I got closer to him to being hurt. I roll of him and get up on my feet as I stay crouching. I go over to a tree and look at Nate just laying on the ground now moving. I look back over at where the guys were and they were gone. I look around and see no one... "I swear they were just he... "
As I'm whispering to myself I get pushed to the ground I try to turn around when the person steps on my back. I grind my teeth and look over where Nate was. He wasn't there anymore. Great, I thought. I stop moving and put my hand out where they could see it. He takes his foot off of me and he speaks
"roll over slowly and don't try to grab any of your weapons. I don't want to hurt you" he says as I hear him pull back his gun from my head, I freeze. I know that voice without moving I speak up.
"Brian?..." I say staying still.
" I don't hear any response so I assume I got the wrong guy. How unfortunate.
"....who are you?" he asks confused.
I roll over slowly keep my arms out upfront of me. As soon as he sees my face he looks shocked.
"it's me Chelsi...."
He looks at me for a second and then suddenly puts his gun down.
"Chelsi!!!? Wh...what are you doing he.. Here? " he gets down on his knees picking me up.
" I Uh just kinda hanging out I guess." I say as he picks me up and then puts me on the ground. Brian is my other brother he was never really there for the family most of the time he was either getting into fights and going to juvy or he was at his MMA training. He was around 6'5, had short black hair and was nothing but muscle he was like the opposite of tanner. Tanner was 6'3 never got into fights skinny as could be but still strong. But anyways now you know my 2 different brother. Brian was always there when someone would pick on me or anything and everyone was scared of him because everyone knew that he would stab someone without hesitation. I'm just surprised he still recognized me he was 20 years old now and we haven't seen each other since I turned 7 so 10 years ago damn that's a long time.
After a couple minutes we stood there talking when Brian's friend came over to us
" so what do you wanna do about this guy." He points at Nate as he sits on the ground and looks over at us. "Was he following you or bothering you!?" Brian asks cracking his fingers.
"well not necessarily he wanted to talk to me so i let him talk to me." I say as he stands up and comes over to us.
"are you guys like a thing because if that's true then I tell you like older guys as he looks at me. "
"what!? No! " me and Brian said at the same time. We looked back at each other and I punched him in the arm and he punched me back. "he's my brother" I say looking up at him. "oh he doesn't look anything like you. " "yeah I know step brother"
As we talk to each other for a bit I start to feel the pain in my shoulder from when Nate shot me. I cover my shoulder with my stub and Brian just looks down at me in shock. " Dude! Are you OK what the hell happened."
"well I got my hand cut off because I got bit and this fellow right here shot me" Nate looks at me and then at Brian and does a unassured smile. Brian looks at him and grabs Nate. Yeah Brian has major anger issues he feels like he has to kill everything that moves. I tell him to calm down and he lets go of him. The anger in his eyes leave and he looks back at me. When he suddenly picks me up and starts carrying me.
"Ahh. Where are we going?"
"well I assume you are with a group so point me in the direction." I shrug my shoulders and tell him where to go. Behind us I hear Nate.
"why does he get to carry you and not me!?"
Brian turns around quickly and Nate just quickly catches up looking at the ground.

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