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~Sam's Pov~
I can't move, My head hurts and I feel like I'm being carried... I open my eyes slowly to see the floor and feet walking forward. I look to my left and see Hannah still unconscious. And I can see blood dripping from her mouth as the guy carry's her. The guys finally stop and I watch the guy holding Hannah just take her off his shoulder and shove her to the ground next to a wall. I then feel the guy holding me start to take me off his shoulder and I close my eyes. I brace myself for the impact, as I feel my back hit the wall I stop the urge to yell. I sat there next to the wall motionless hoping the guys would leave. But then I felt the guys start to tie my hands and feet and together. They put a bag over my head and I hear them walk away. Once I was sure they were gone I immediately tried to take off the bag, I looked at Hannah and scooted next to her. I nudged her and whispered.

"Hannah wake up! Wake up! " I say pushing her

She finally lifts her head and starts to scramble.

"Hannah it's OK calm down... Try to take off the cloth"

She finally was able to take it off and she looks at me. She was bleeding really bad from her forehead and mouth.

"where's Chelsi!? Where did they take her!? " Hannah asks frantically.
" She wasn't here when I woke up while they were carrying us... I wonder if they left her... They shot her in a the leg just before they knocked us out."
"how are we going to get out they tied us up..." Hannah says looking at her hands. But not long after we here footsteps coming closer, we quickly try to get the bags on our heads and stop moving. As the footsteps stop right in front of us one guy starts to talk.

"this time we got two! Not just one."
"yeah and these ones aren't as stubborn as the other girl"
They must be talking about Chelsi... She was a fighter and she got out so that means we have to be fighters.
" yeah well at least we won't have to deal with her anymore I shot her in the leg and in the side... She will never survive." the men started to laugh and bent down next to us. I could feel his breath through the bag, it had a really bad stench and I almost puked. I clenched my fists knowing that Chelsi could be dead laying out in front of the house getting eaten by zombies.... Zack must be horrified. Me and Hannah will fight for her and we will avenge her. I will kill every single one of these guys even if it gets me killed.

The guys soon get up and kick my leg I feel Hannah's move and I start to move my head.
"well look who's up" a guy says
They pull off the bags and look at us I glare at them and I turn to Hannah. She looks at me and then back at the guys.
"what did you do to our friend!? " Hannah yells
"haha your friend. Oh she is probably one of the those monsters roaming around. Or maybe they ate all of her. You will never be able to see her again." he laughed and got close to Hannah she back away as much as possible as the guy smiled and whispered in her ear. She spits in his face and stares at him. He wipes the spit off and punches her in the face. She falls into my lap coughing and bleeding.
"stop you bastards... When I get out of these ropes I'm going to kill every single one of you... " I say clenching my teeth.
They smile and kick me in the side I scream and look back up at them. They walk away laughing and I look at Hannah and put my hands on her head trying to clam her down. Chelsi went through this for days all by her self and we weren't able to help her... And now she is dead and we still can't help her... What kind of friends are we? As I'm think to myself Hannah lays there on my lap trying to reduce the amount of noise she is making.

2 Days Later
~Hannah's pov~
It's been 3 days since we have been in here and me and Sam both have lost our strength, no food barely any water and my wrists and ankles are bleeding from the ropes. I don't think I can take this anymore my head hurts and it's hard to stay sleep at night... My thoughts are taking over my head and I think I'm going crazy. Sam looks tired and doesn't seem to talk much anymore.. She hasn't talked much since she found out Chelsi was dead... I still can't wrap my head around it she can't be dead she is so strong she had to have gotten away... She had to!!
It's no use she is not invincible. I sat there full of sadness when I hear the men come back over to us. I look at them as they come in and I see that Sam's isn't moving. I turn towards her and see that she is asleep, she looked tired so I wouldn't doubt it. The guys get closer to her I and yell at them to back off, they just looked and me and just keep doing what they were doing. I try to move and I quickly swung my legs at one of the guys but he grabs my legs and stands up. My back slides off the wall and my head hits the floor I yell at them and he starts dating me to the other side of the room. The floor was cold and I shivered as he dragged me to a concrete pole. He kicks me in the side and pushes me away. I cough a couple times and I see look at Sam she wakes up and yells at the men with anger. A few more men come in and they come over to me. Oh god plzz don't tell me this is the end... I dont want it to end like this. They get closer to me and I start move away when a guy grabs me by my stomach and drags me closer. I look at Sam and I see her struggling to, I yell at her to keep fighting as one of the guys puclnches me in the face. I feel blood drip onto my shirt and I couldn't move anymore all my strength is gone I have nothing left. I look at Sam and she looks as if she has given up too..
"I'm sorry..." I say as a tear forms in my eye she stares at me with sadness in her face.

Sam's pov
As I looked at her I just yelled " we had one hell of an adventure" that's when a guy pulls a gun out and points it at Hannah. I frown and I hear a click right next to me I stiffen and close my eyes. I'm sorry Chelsi...

I yell at the guy and tell him to shoot, by the time of his voice he has a smile and quietly replies with " you don't think I'm going to kill you.. No we are just getting started. " as he says that I hear Hannah scream I open my eyes and they are dragging Hannah back over to me by her hair. I try to move but then a guy grand my jaw and smiles. "they will be perfect" I look at Hannah as she lays on the floor and I feel a guy grab my shirt. I turn back towards him and start to move away. Hannah is scrambling to get away when the guy holding her gets stabbed right through the stomach. He freezes and then get stabbed right in the head. The guy fell on Hannah and in seconds the another guy was on the ground. I look at the men on my side and they pull out their weapons. I am dazed and can't move, I don't even know what is happening. I see a guy dressed in all black with a hood he is holding a machete. I can't see his face and I don't even think I know who he is. As I just sit there one of the men grabs my hair and starts dating me towards a door. Thats when the dark figure jumps over and stabs the guy. The man fell down to his knees and then face f first into the ground. I'm startled until I see the guy sitting and leaning over me. He looks into my eyes and he takes of his hood, he looks about my age and has brown eyes and dark brown hair. I just stare at him until he gently grabs my wrists and starts to take off the rope he then goes to my ankles and take them off. No time after he runs to Hannah and takes off her ropes and helps her up and brings her too me.
"we have to get out of her there are more men and they will be back her any minute" he says flipping his hair to the side
He helps me up and he gives me back my sword and gives Hannah back her gun and knife. We run do stumble out of the building. We follow him until we get back out to the small forest.
"OK we can stop here and rest you guys need it." he says helping us down and he sits right in front of us.
"who are you? " Hannah asks quietly
" my names Leo Valdez what are your names? "
"..my names Sam and thats Hannah...how did you know we were in there?"
"I saw them taking you in there a couple days ago and I couldn't possibly just leave you two there so I made a plan to get your guys out. " he says this looking and me
"do you guys have a place to stay I mean you look like you have been holding up well?"
"Uhh yeah we do Umm it was our friends brothers house... Chelsi..." Hannah says frowning
"what's wrong? Do you not want to go back there?" he asks slightly concerned
"no it's not that.. Umm our friend was killed by those men just before we were knocked out... And taken. She had been taken by those same men and she was gone for a week all by her self and she had just gotten back home and they just came back and killed her... " I say looking down
He comes over to me and lifts up my chin. " I'm so sorry for your loss but please don't look sad frowns don't look good on you." he says looking at me and then hannah
"would you like me to take you guys back your home?"he asks
"that's would be great thank you." he helps us up and we walk slowly back to the house.

Soon we can see the house and Hannah looks more relieved then ever. As we approach the house Leo looks at us and says
"well I hope you guys stay safe and get better soon it was a pleasure to meet both of you" he says this and smiles. As he turns away I grab his arm
"you don't have to go.... You can stay with us we have room and you saved our lives... " he looks at me and smiles "I would love to" we walk up the steps and I open the door. I yell out tanners name and everyone comes running to the door. "you guys are safe thank goodness" Max says. He walks over to Hannah gives her a big hug. "so who's this" Tanner asks
"of this is Leo he saved us from the guys who took us" as I say this I see Zack walk into the room I wake over to him and I frown "I'm sorry I couldn't save her.. I tried but they took us before I could do anything" I say looking down with tears forming in my eyes. "Chelsi? She is upstairs resting in her bed we were able to stabilize her before it was too late" as he says this I loom up quickly and I run back to Leo and grab his hand and run up the stairs dragging him behind me. I hear Hannah running up the stairs behind me and I open Chelsi's door. And I run to her side as she lays there motionless. I start to cry and Leo comes over to me and hugs me I put my hand in Chelsi's and Hannah held her other hand. I sat there until I felt Chelsi squeeze my hand softly. I look up at her and she smiles. I get closer to her and the first thing that comes out her mouth was.
"who's your new boyfriend?" I looked at Leo and got startled I then slapped Chelsi's hand and laughed
"you dingus I hate you" I said laughing. Hannah came over to us and sat with Chelsi and gave her a huge hug. I truly thought we lost her and I know that I will never let those men get anywhere near her again. Or I will kill them... With my bare hands.

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