Chaos or Love

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When the zombies finally stopped flowing in to doors we ran back to tanners house. As we got close I looked at Zach and he looked shocked at where I was staying.

"is this where you are staying?" he asks in surprise

"Ya it's my brothers house. He is really rich if you can't tell haha"

"haha no kidding"

Soon we got to the doors and I opened them and walked inside. There I see Max and Hannah sitting on the couch and Tanner in the kitchen. I was the first to walk in so Hannah got up and came over. The. Zach walked in and she stopped.

"who is this? " she asks staring at him

"oh this is Zach he saved me from a zombie and a couple of guys that were looking for me." I say smiling at him

"hey there! Nice to meet you" Zach says smiling big sticking his hand out for a hand shake.

Hannah looks at him in awe and shakes his hand. After he met everyone I showed him around the house all if the weapons just in case he needed any.

Later that day me and Hannah went outside on the porch facing the beach. The sun was starting to set and there was a slight breeze.

"So umm that Zach you got there. He is certainly a nice one. " Hannah says looking at me

"yaa isn't he. And you can't forget how adorable he is!"

"yaa he is really adorable. Do you like him?"

"well he saved my life and he wants to protect me all day everyday.. I really do like him. He is so sweet and caring, we have a lot in common."

Hannah looks at me and smiles that's when I hear the door behind me open. Zach comes over to me and hugs me.

"wow it's a really beautiful beach and the sunset is stunning" he says as he sets his head on mine.

"yaa it is... It makes you forget about all of the other things around you " I say smiling

"well I leave you too alone" Hannah says winking at me.

With that she walks inside and closes the door. I look back at the ocean and sigh.

"what's wrong hun?"

"oh it's nothing I just really like this it's really peaceful"

"... Thank you for letting me come here with you!"

"you saved me and I don't know what u would do without you"

He comes around in front of me and looks down at me in the eyes. I stare up at him and smile, his dark eyes are shinning from the sun. He then gets closer to my face and kisses me I freeze and I just let it set in. The feeling of his snake bites just made the kiss even better. Soon he kissed my neck and I looked over at the door and I see Hannah almost dying in there from screaming. She is staring at us and I try and shoosh her away. But she is just freaking out and being well the weirdo that she is.

He is still kissing me and finally I stop worrying about her so much and I hug Zach.

He pulls away and looks at my face. He then poked my nose and smiles. He is Soo cute ugh I just cant. When all of a sudden I hear footsteps and moaning in the distance I back away from Zach and look around the corner of the house and I see scares the living heck out of me. A huge crowd of zombies heading towards the house and as I look closer I see a familiar face.

Oh my god it's Andrew in the front. I knew I hadn't seen him For a while but I would have never guessed that he got bit and turned. I get overwhelmed and I pass out. A couple minutes later I'm in the house and I hear gun shots around the house. I look to my side and I see Zach at a window with a gun in his hand shooting. How many zombies are there? I try and get up and I feel pain in my arm and head I fall back down and I groan a little.

Zach then looks back at me and comes over to me quickly. He lays down on the bed and hugs me. I look at him and ask

"what's going.... On?" I say rubbing my head.

"the crowd of zombies you saw they are surrounding the house. We have gotten rid of most of them but they are not going without a fight. "

I look at him and I get closer to him

"please don't leave me"

"of course....I want to protect you.... I... Love you"

As he says this I look up at him and I kiss him. When Hannah burst in to the room and sees us.

"You guys we need you to help us they are almost gone but we need to take care of the windows." she says this and then looks at me then back at Zach

"did I get in The middle of something ? "

"haha I think I did... Well this is awkward" she back away a little smiles and runs out.

We then look at each other and he kisses me once more and then Helps me up. We the. Head downstairs and we look outside. Piles of zombies all around the house the stench was awful and there was blood everywhere. I can't believe we almost got taken over by zombies in a place like this. Zach comes over to me and grabs my hand. We then Head over to the rest of the group and start helping them with windows. As I'm working with Zach I look out of the corner of my eye and see kalven staring at me. Why are you staring at me? Stop look away you dont care about me anyways. And he just kept staring and so I went next to Zach and I kissed him for a while. That seemed to go the trick. And with that we kept working and covered up all the windows...

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