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It's been couple days and I feel like things are starting to come back together. I've finally starting talking and helping around. I am not really sure what's up with kalven he hasnt talked to me in a while. I think i just pissed him off so much he hates me now. Oh well I don't care, he never really cared about me anyways. I walk outside and look up at the clouds covering the sun as it gets slightly dark. I take a deep breath in and I look back at the house. I see kalven standing at the window, he looks like he is in deep thought when he looks at me and then walks away. I shrug and keep walking out towards the city. I haven't been out here since we got attacked by all of those men. I climb on top of a car and pull out my binoculars, I look around for a second when I hear something land on the ground next to me. I put the binoculars down and look at the ground. I see a can of food on the ground, I look back up and the glare of the sun gets in my eyes as the clouds clear away. I put my hand up over my eyes so i can see when all of a sudden i hear an arrow fly past my ear. I quickly jump off the car and hide behind it. I look over in the direction the arrow came from and I see a dark figure running towards me and hiding next to a car. I put my sword on my back and grab my pistol from my side. I wait a couple seconds and then I stand up and look over at the car.

I stand still for a couple seconds when I see the person stand up and quickly shoot at me. I move over and shoot back at them. I run to another car when all of a sudden i see the person stand up and point the bow right at me, before I could do anything I feel a sharp pain in my right shoulder. I fall to the ground I scream and look at the arrow coming out of my shoulder. I grab the end of it and try to pull it out, but before I could do anything a shadow appears in front of me. From the look I see he is maybe 1 year older then me. He stares down at me and then talks.

"I don't know who you are so I have no problem killing you" he says as he points his bow at me.

I don't say anything as I tighten my grip on the arrow in my shoulder. I start to slowly pull it out as I clench my teeth together. I get about 3/4 of it out when I let go and let my head hit the ground. I close my eyes and i clench my fist. I then hear his bow being pulled, I take one last breath when I quickly open my eyes and rip the arrow out of my shoulder. I kick him in the chest and I get up. I pull my sword out and lush him to the ground. I get on top of him and put the blade right next to his throat. As I stare at him I see blood drop onto his shirt.

" give me 1 reason why I shouldn't kill you! " I say as I push the blade closer to his neck.
" I can't give you a reason so if you want to kill me then do it...." I stare at him when I get up and walk away.
" leave and don't try to kill me.... I've already been through enough" I say as I stop and put my sword on my back again. I hear him get up and stand still. I turn around and look at him.
" why didn't you kill me?" he asks as he goes to grab his bow.
" I dont know you so i shouldn't have to tell you anything"
" OK fine don't tell me anything. But I got to admit what you just did was legit..." he chuckles and I look at him with a straight face. I turn back around and walk up to the can of food. I bend down and pick it up and put it in my bag and keep walking away.
" hey wait!"
I hear him run up behind me, I quickly pull out my pistol and turn around. He stops and looks down the barrel of the gun. He backs up a little bit and puts his hands up in surrender. I stay there with my finger on the trigger for a couple seconds, then put it down. I stare at him and then push him away with my left arm. I keep walking when I feel him grab my shoulder.
"Ahh! What is wrong with you?! Do you all of sudden have an obsession with me!?" I say as I cover my shoulder with my stub hand I feel blood drip on my shirt as I stare at him.
" well... Umm i think your pretty and I'm sorry I shot you.... And over all threatened you" he says looking at me with a sad face. I stare at him with a confused face and put my arm down to my side again.
" don't worry about just please don't try any more can't you see I've been through enough. I see him look at my arm and then pretty much check me out.
" stop! " I yell he jumps a little and speaks softly.
"damn girl, sorry I couldn't help it and Um yes I see that..." I shake my head in anger and then turn around and walk away. "please go away you've pissed me off enough already." I don't hear a response so I assume he left. So I keep walking, after a couple minutes I get to the small forest. I get caught up in my thoughts of that guy when all of a sudden a body flies right in front of me. I fall to the ground and look up. I see the guy hanging upside down from a branch on a small juniper tree. He smiles at me and then sticks his hand out towards me.
"hi my names nate" I look up at him and then quietly say " hi Nate I'm Chelsi" I stick my hand out and go and shake his hand. Thinking it was just a hand shake I realize it wasn't just that. He slides off the branch and he gets on top of me.
" Ahh! What are you doing!? Please get off me!"
" and why would I do that? You are so cute" he says with a smile. "noo. Off" I push him off me and I get up and brush off some pine needles. He gets up and as I start walking away he puts his arm around me and says "oh come on your so cute when you get mad." I grab his hand and take it off of me. I look up in front of me and i see about 20 zombies. I turn around and say.
"stay out of my way and we might be able to talk" with that I run towards the zombies as I pull out my sword. Behind me I hear
" wait... Really!? "

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