Summer and Secrecy. An Austin and Ally Story.

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Ally's p.o.v

"Austin is the best boyfriend anyone could ask for! I know everything about him, like his middle name is Monica and he can only go underwear shopping with his mom. But is there more? I must know more. I feel like he is hiding something from me.."

"Hey Austin." I said as Austin walked into Sonic Boom. He looked amazing, like always. He was wearing shorts, a plain shirt and high tops. I was behind the counter putting some picks into a jar.

"Hey Ally, how's my favourite girl?" He said walking up to the counter. His smile is breath-taking, I swear it made my heart skip a beat.

"Who's that then?" I asked using friendly banter. He has always loved the funny side to me.

"Youuuuuuu." He replied tapping my nose. I walked out from the counter and hugged him. He was warm and he smelled like the beach. His hugs were amazing!

"Aw Austin." I smiled over his shoulder. I don't even care if there are customers in the store. He makes me feel like myself.

"So, what you want to do first? You know, now that school's out." He asked, pulling away. School had finished a few days ago but we haven't seen each other since then.

I sighed and said "Well, I have to work." I normally love my job, being surrounded by instruments and teaching lessons, but during summer vacation, I'd prefer to be with Austin.

He looked at the floor. "Really?" He asked, looking upset.

I looked straight at him. "I'm sorry Austin." I felt terrible but it's not like I could bunk off my job.

He looked so disappointed. That broke my heart a little. "Well, what time do you get off work?" He asked, rubbing the back of his neck.

I looked at my watch. "Er, in a few hours, around half 6." Today was a ultra hot day and I wish I was spending it at the beach but instead I was here. I was wearing my normal outfit, a dress with a cool pattern and cute heels.

He let out a sigh. "Alright." he said as I hugged him.

"I'm sorry Austin, you can hang here until then if you want?" There weren't many customers in today and I was quite bored so his company would be amazing right now.

Austin looked at his phone "Ermm, nah, it's alright, I have to go. I'll see you later." He kissed me on the cheek and walked out pretty quickly. What was that all about?

After he left Trish strolled in. "Hey Ally, what's up?" She asked casually. Her hair was pulled into a side ponytail and she was wearing a cute hat on top.

I shrugged "Nothing much, just working." I rolled my eyes. The Austin thing really bothered me, what was he hiding from me? Am I just being paranoid?

Trish frowned and said "You seem upset, what's wrong?"

I smiled falsely "I'm fine." I hardly ever lie but this is just stretching the truth.

Trish raised her eyebrows "Really? Ally you can tell me anything. What's wrong?" she asked, crossing her arms and giving me a demanding look.

I sighed and said "Austin always seems like he's keeping something from me. I've told him everything about me but he seems like he's always somewhere else."

Trish's eyes lit up. "I could follow him if you want. I saw him stop at Mini's, he's probably still there." I thought about it. At least then I would know what he's up to. But then again, I should trust him and let him mind his own business.

But something was telling me to let Trish spy on him. "Okay, just don't make it obvious, please?" I asked.

Trish beamed at me. "Agent Trish is out." she saluted at me and then she walked out.

Trish's p.o.v

I walked out of Sonic Boom and made my way to Mini's. I hid behind a tall plant and saw Austin sitting at one of the tables with a mini pizza. This all looked perfectly fine. Then I saw Kira walk up to him. What was she doing there? I stayed hidden but I crept a bit closer so I could hear their conversation. I was hiding behind a surf board.

"Hey Kira, thanks for meeting me." I heard Austin say as Kira sat down opposite him.

"No problem, but why did you want to see me?" She asked. Why would Austin be meeting his ex?

"I need to talk to you about Ally." Austin said to Kira.

"Look, Austin, I really don't want to speak about her right now." Kira said starting to stand up, but Austin told her to sit back down for a few more seconds. "Fine, what about her?" She sighed. Then a dark haired surfer asked me for his surf board back and took it off me.

I was in full sight of Austin. He saw me and waved. "Oh, hey Trish." I quickly waved back, not knowing what to do. But I walked over to them anyway.

"Austin! I was just looking for you!" I said trying to think of something to say. He needed to get away from Kira, she was bad news and I don't like the idea of him sneaking around with Kira.

"Why?" He asked, glancing at Kira.

"Hey Trish, how are you?" Kira said smiling, I knew it was a fake smile. I could see through her 'innocent' facade.

"I'm good, and Austin, I need to discuss something with you." I grabbed his arm but he stayed sat down.

"What about?" He was starting to get suspicious.

"Err, about your next concert, we have to decide on a date for it." I said. Yeah that sounds believable.

"Right now?" He asked, looking at Kira.

"Yes, right now. The fans demand it!" I quickly took his arm and started walking.

"I'll talk to you later Kira!" Austin called to Kira as I walked off with him. Haha, no he won't. Not on my watch.

After we walked a few more meters away from Kira, I quickly turned to Austin. "Why did you meet up with Kira?" I asked crossing my arms.

"Wait, what? I thought we had to hurry to get a date out to my fans?" He said, confused.

I shrugged "They can wait, what I want to know is why you were meeting up with your ex?" I demanded. I had to get an answer out of him.

"Trish, who I meet up with is my business, no one else's." He started too walk away but I grabbed his shoulder and turned him around to face me.

"It is my business because Ally is your girlfriend and I'm her best friend and I want to know why you're meeting up with your ex." Then it suddenly came to me. "Wait, are you dating Kira too?" I gasped.

Austin looked utterly confused now. "What? No! Okay, she's just my friend. Am I not allowed to have friends that are girls now? Ally has Elliot." He said. "Ally.... did she ask you to spy on me?"

I snorted "Of course not!" I lied. "And Ally doesn't meet up with Elliot in secret! Ally is completely honest and loyal to you and you can't even tell her best friend who is also your friend who also happens to be your manager why you were meeting up with Kira?"

Austin raised his eyebrows "If Ally wants to know, she can ask me herself." Then he turned and walked away. Grrrr! I could kill him right now! Ally doesn't know he's been meeting up with Kira and if she did know then she would be furious with him. If I tell her about Austin and Kira then she would be so hurt, mostly because Austin hasn't even had the decency to tell her, but if i don't tell her then I'd be keeping a secret from her...What should I do???

The next part coming soon, feel free to comment any ideas for the story:)

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