Making up or Breaking up?

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 Ally's p.o.v

I ran out to the mall fountain, tears streaming out of my eyes like the water flowing around the fountain. I didn't know what to feel.

I was numb.

My mind was everywhere at once and my heart had split right down the middle! I sat on the side of the fountain with my wet face buried in my hands when a hand touched my shoulder. I looked up. It was Trish. She sat down next to me.

"Hey, are you okay?" she asked sympathetically.

I wiped my tears with the back of my hand. "No, not really." I said sniffling. She stood up and got a tissue from a cafe table and handed the tissue to me. "Thanks." I said wiping my eyes.

"So, what actually happened in there?" Trish asked.

I shook my head "I don't even know. I was just talking to him about him and Kira, but then I looked into his eyes and realised that I truly love him. Which made me even more annoyed, not at him, at myself. But I took it out on him." I started crying again. "And now he probably hates me because I yelled at him." I cried softly but a lot of tears fell.

Trish hugged me for comfort. "Ally," she sighed "I've known you since kindergarten and you've never told me anything you just yelled to Austin about. Like how you weren't confident. Back then, other than your stage fright, you were the most confident person I knew, and you still are. You obviously love Austin if you opened up about that. And I have to admit, he was a total idiot about what happened with Kira, and he should know that he's in the wrong, but for all those years I've known you, I'd never seen you so happy when you weren't with him and I've never seen a couple more right for each other than you two...other than Julianne and Luke from English class. But my point is that even though you've had this big fight, it's your choice. Either you let him go because he lied and betrayed you, or you realise that this is one silly fight that you will get over." She said.

I nodded, Trish is that friend, who is always there and gives the best advice. But I now know that this part is up to me. "Thanks Trish, you're the best friend there ever was!" I said before we said goodbye and went out separate ways.

I didn't know where Austin was, I didn't know where Dallas was. All I knew is that I have to make up my mind. I walked around the mall for a bit but finally ended up on the beach. I sat on the warm sand and stared at the golden sunset. Austin and I used to love watching the sunset. Back when there were no fights.

Now that I'm alone I can figure this out. I've given Austin way too many chances; like the time he forgot my birthday and the day after, when he remembered, he got me a $5 gift card to Mini's...which will only get you a Mini's drink. Or like the time he read the messages on my phone because he thought I was cheating on him. I still hold that against him. But I forgave him for all of those mistakes because I love him and everyone makes mistakes. I guess I was overreacting, but then's been an hour since the fight, he's either giving me space, or he doesn't care. I have to admit, over the past 3 years, Austin has changed, the fame has gotten to him at times and the stress has been overwhelming at other times, but I've always been there for him...

Austin's p.o.v

After Ally ran out, Dez left because he had to have his dinner, so I decided to walk around for a bit, to clear my head and process what had just happened. I had been walking for the best part of about 45 minutes when I got to the beach.

I saw Ally sitting a few meters away from the water, crying softly. I started walking about five steps but then I thought to myself give her some space... so I walked into the other direction. But then I got thinking again You two will have to talk about this at some point.... Ugh, I hate mixed emotions! So I took a deep breath and walked over to Ally. 

Ally's p.o.v

I was watching the sun go down when I heard a voice behind me. "Beautiful, isn't it?"

I turned my head to find him standing slightly to the right but behind me. I looked back at the sunset and shrugged. "I guess."

He sat down next to me and sighed. "Ally I'm so sorry, I didn't know how hurt you've been feeling until now. I've messed up way too many times and I'm a bad excuse for a boyfriend. I wouldn't blame you if you break up with me." He said turning his head to the side and cupped his hands over his eyes.

I could tell he was silently crying, which made me cry again. "No, Austin, don't cry. I'm the one who cries, not you." I smiled through my tears.

He turned around to face me. His eyes were wet. "Well, it shouldn't be. It's my fault, every single screw up is my fault. You deserve so much better than me. I'm sorry." He said through his tears.

I couldn't bare to see him like this. I've only seen him cry once, when his guitar got stolen. I inched a bit closer to him and hugged him tight. He was crying over my shoulder and I was crying over his.

Still hugging him I said "You're not a bad boyfriend, and I don't deserve better." We pulled apart but we were still close together. "Okay, yeah you have messed up a few times and I have been upset about most of them but I forgive you every time, because I love you. And I have messed up too, like the time when....Okay I haven't messed up yet, but I will...Trust me! And hopefully you will forgive me for it." I said smiling.

He rubbed his eyes dry with his shirt and smiled. "I will, I promise I will forgive you, no matter how bad it is. So does this mean you forgive me and we go back to just you and me, no one else interfering?" He asked, his eyes were red where he'd rubbed them.

I nodded. "Yes." I replied hugging him again. We pulled apart and watched the sunset, his arm around my shoulders.

Austin's p.o.v

I watched the sunset with Ally and as it got to being no more, I turned to Ally. "You're the best girlfriend any guy could ask for."

She smiled at me and tapped my nose. "And you're the best boyfriend any girl could ask for." I smiled at her and then kissed her, long and slow. We'd kissed before. I mean, come on, 3 years...we weren't going that slow! But even though we'd kissed so many times before. This one was different. Like the whole fight had brought us closer. Closer than we'd ever been before. We'd had fights before but only silly little ones that lasted only 10 minutes. This fight's changed everything between us. It's made us closer, stronger and our love more powerful.

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