Old friends

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Ally's p.o.v


Dear Diary, I still can't believe Austin actually lied to my face! When he said "Pretty much."

I couldn't tell him how much he is hurting me because...well, I love him, and I couldn't get the words out. I've decided to fight fire with fire so today, I'm meeting up with Dallas. It's been ages since I last saw him. Hopefully hanging out with an old friend like Dallas will take my mind off Austin... From Ally x

I met up with Dallas in my lunch break. He hasn't changed...at all! He was sitting at a table at Mini's when I walked over to him. "Hi Dallas." I said as he stood up to hug me.

"Hey Ally, whoa, you've changed...in-in a good way." I could tell he was nervous. He's acting like I used to when I liked him.

We both sat down. "I haven't seen you in forever. What've you been up to?" I asked casually.

He smiled. "Just travelling with my Dad. You?" The way he looked at me, the way he smiled...ALLY! Get a grip! You're dating Austin!

"I've been doing the same old things, working at Sonic Boom, writing with Austin. The usual stuff." I said rolling my eyes.

He laughed "I haven't seen Sonic Boom in ages, is it still the same?" He asked finishing his Mini's drink.

"Yeah, do you want to come see it?" I asked smiling.

He smiled too. "Alright, let's go." We both stood up and started walking.

Half way to Sonic Boom we were talking about his travelling. "So where have you been?" I asked walking closely next to him. But not too close.

"I went to Fiji, Australia, Asia, Italy, UK and Argentina." He said counting with his fingers.

I smiled. "I wish I could go to Italy, but I have Team Austin and school. I could never find the time." I said sighing. Trish and I said we wanted to go to Italy and go shopping. Well Trish said that. I on the other hand, want to go there for the museums and learn about the culture.

"Well maybe you'll go there if Austin goes on a world tour." He said. I laughed. "I hear you and Austin are an item now." He suddenly said with no expression on his face.

I almost stopped. The one topic I didn't want him to bring up. "Err, yeahhh. Kinda." Then I tried changing the subject. "So how long have you been back?" I asked pulling my jumper sleeves down to cover my hands.

"About 3 weeks now." He said. But as we turned a corner, I saw Austin in Sonic Boom talking to Trish and Dez. I stopped. Dallas saw I had stopped and said "What's wrong?"

I looked around and said "Why don't we visit your old cell phone accessory cart first?"

He shook his head and said "Nah, I've seen it already, I want to say hi to Austin, Trish and Dez." I tried everything I could to make him turn around but he wasn't going to. I sighed in the end and walked in with Dallas.

Austin's p.o.v

I was talking to Dez and Trish about our plans for the summer when Ally walked in with Dallas. Why was she with him? They were laughing about something when she said to Dez, Trish and I "Hey guys, do you remember Dallas?" Trish and Dez went up to Dallas but I stayed where I was. I was never a big fan of Dallas since he wouldn't dance with Ally at Trish's Quinceanera. Who wouldn't? You know, apart from her not being a great dancer, but that's one thing I love about her.

Dez said to Dallas "Aren't you the one that Ally used to have a crush on?"

Then Dez looked at me and I shot him a look saying WHY would  you bring that up?!? But Dallas just laughed "Yep, I guess that's me." Then he was talking to Dez and Trish about him travelling or something and Ally came up to me.

"Hey Austin, why aren't you saying hi to Dallas?" I felt jealousy course through my body as she looked back to him and he smiled at her.

I took her arm and walked her over to the stairs and said quietly "Why are you meeting up with Dallas?"

She shrugged "Just feel like it." I couldn't believe her!

"Why would you meet up with your ex?" I accused.

She glared at me then. "I don't know Austin, why don't you ask Kira? I know that you've been meeting up with her so I met up with Dallas to show you how I felt!" Her voice was getting louder now.

"What? I was meeting up with Kira for a reason!" I said  defensively.

She laughed sarcastically. "What's that reason then? Because I was working so she was your back-up plan? Because you were getting bored of me? Well let me tell you Austin, when I found out you were meeting up with Kira it literally broke my heart! Do you know how much it hurts to see your boyfriend meeting up with his ex who is by far more interesting and more prettier than me? It makes me feel rubbish! That I'm not good enough for you anymore! And guess what? I'm not! You're this big rock star and you have fans all over the world! And who am I? The songwriter. The one who follows you on tour or whatever. A few years ago when you got signed by Jimmy, no one knew who I was! You had nothing stopping you from reaching your dreams! I don't even know why you asked me out. Oh wait you didn't. You just kissed me and went out with Kira. But now you've gone back to her and I'll only be that songwriter. The girl who is a pushover. The girl who is the nerd because she's smart. The girl who got bullied because she was more into music than fashion or the beach. You made that girl disappear but seeing you with Kira...That girl is back and I'll never regain the confidence or trust ever again!" She argued loudly. She was crying and then she ran out.

Trish and Dallas ran after her. I just sat on the stairs. I broke Ally's heart. I made her cry and run out. I made her feel like she wasn't good enough for me. Man, what've I done? I blame myself. How did she know about Kira? Dez walked over to me. "Hey man, what was that all about?" He asked.

I shook my head. About a million thoughts were spinning round in my head. "I don't know." Her speech was haunting me.

Dez sat next to me. "Well if it makes you feel any better buddy, I'll always trust you." He said, patting my back.

I made a face. I know he thinks he's helping but it makes me feel worse. "Thanks for trying. Oh man, what have I done?" I asked standing up and pacing back and forth.

"Well, you made Ally cry and she ran out." He said, then he smiled.

I stopped and glared at him. "Thank you for the clarification." I said sarcastically and started pacing back and forth again.

What will happen next? Next part coming soon...

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