Do you still want to be with me?

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Austin's p.o.v

Ally stormed out before I could explain. I knew exactly where she was headed but I'm the last person she probably wants to see right now! I still followed that idiotic side of my brain that told me to follow her.

I ran to the beach and found Ally walking along the sea line. The waves crashing at her feet. I ran behind her. I was a few meters behind her when I called out "What do you want me to say?" I shouted. She stopped and turned on her heel. The wind below through her chestnut chocolate brown hair. "What is there to say? I shouldn't have to tell you!" She said loudly back. Her makeup was smeared over her face but she still looked beautiful. "I'm sorry! There, is that what you wanted?!" I said back. The wind and sea were loud so we had to shout loudly. "I wanted honesty! I wanted no secrets!" Every time I stepped towards her, she stepped away. "I thought it would be a nice surprise! The last thing I want to do is hurt you!" I shouted. A few dog walkers passed, then she said "Too late!" Then she took off again.

Ally's p.o.v

Keeping secrets, yeah, that stung, but not knowing what to say and asking me what I wanted to hear? That hurt me. I thought we had such a close, honest relationship. Man, how wrong was I?

After I ran from him at the beach I headed for home. I didn't bother looking back to see if Austin was following me. I didn't care. I got in and ignored my Dad's questions about why I was crying. Hopefully he knew by now not to get involved. I got to my room and shut the door. Then I flung myself on my bed and cried until there was no more water inside my body.

As I was crying, I realised how much Austin and I actually fight. Maybe it wasn't such a great relationship but the times we weren't fighting, I was happy and in love. That made me cry even more. Then I remembered, he went out at midnight to meet some guys so they wouldn't hurt me, although what if he went so they would leave him alone too?

I stayed in my room all night. I didn't bother going downstairs for dinner, my dad said if I was hungry just to get it from the oven, then he went to sleep. I read Pride and Prejudice. It was my favourite book! Mr Darcey doesn't deserve Elizabeth Bennett at the start! He was a jerk to her! But at the end I love it when they get married! I love love!

Austin called me 12 times that night. I ignored all of them. I received 10 texts and 5 voice mails. I finished reading and picked up my phone. I read the messages: 

Ally, I know I screwed up, just let me talk to you? 

I just want to talk, please? 

I need to speak to you, I want to get this whole thing done. I love you and I hope you still love me too!

They were only some of them. Then I listened to the voice mails, they were pretty much the same. I got my laptop and logged into my video chat. 2 friends online! It read. Lets see, Natalia from Music Class, and Austin.

Before I had a chance to log off, he messaged me.

Austin: Hey can we please talk? xxx

I reluctantly replied.

Ally: Fine, but I can't video chat, my Dad's asleep next door. 

Austin: As long as we sort this out! xxx 

Ally: What do you want Austin? 

Austin: To apologise xxx 

Ally: A pathetic "I'm sorry" won't fix it this time. 

Austin: I don't know what you want me to say! xxx 

Ally: Exactly my point! I shouldn't have to tell you, you should say what you want to say! I want to be with someone who can tell me their feelings and don't keep secrets with their ex's! Unlike you. 

Austin: So you don't want to be with me?xx 

Ally: I never said that. 

Austin: But do you? I have to know Ally, I don't want to be with you if you don't feel as strongly as I do for you. xx 

Ally: Austin... 

Austin: Please just answer the question? Do you want to be with me?xx 

Ally: Give me time to think. 

Austin: I don't want to keep you up all night and stress you out because of this xx 

Ally: I think we should stick to being just friends, until we sort this out. 

Austin: Alright, if you want to be signed with Starr Records then Jimmy wants to meet with you soon. x 

Ally: Okay, thanks Austin. Night :) 

Austin: Night

Austin's p.o.v

I can't believe Ally broke up with me! My heart shattered into a million pieces. I really screwed up this time. I shouldn't have kept it a secret. What would I do without Ally? I have to get her back. But how? Then it came to me...TRISH! She'll know! I called her up that second.

(Austin) (Trish)


Hey Trish.

What do you want at 11pm?

Ally broke up with me because I messed up and I need a way to get her back. Any ideas?

Whoa, whoa, whoa. First, What did you do this time?

I kept a secret between Kira and I. But it was a good surprise. Starr Records want to sign her.

Austin, you know that's not an excuse. Plus you totally lied to her face.

I know, I know. But I want to win her over. What should I do?

You have to prove to her that you are truly sorry. Do something that will totally surprise her, something that will make her love you more than she ever has.

Any ideas?

No. This is your mess. 

Alright, well thanks Trish, I owe you.

Yes you do.

Then she hung up. Something that will totally surprise her, something that will make her love me more than ever before...


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