Day 4 in Hollywood

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Ally's p.o.v

We arrived at The Rose Garden and Austin ordered our food. I remember our first date at Illusions restaurant back in Miami. The day after we broke up but that's in the past now.

"So how's your pizza?" I asked as I took a sip of diet lemonade.

He shrugged and said "Cheesy. How's your spaghetti?" He asked back.

I mimicked his shrug and said "Tomato-y." We both laughed and continued eating.

After we'd finished Austin wouldn't let me look at the cheque, but using my awesome ninja skills, I stole it off him and looked at the price.

"$94.75? For that? Here, let me pay half of it. That's about $47 each." I said, whipping out my maths skills.

He laughed sweetly and then stole the cheque off me again. "No way, I'm paying. Plus, I have loads of money, since I done all those gigs the other month." He beamed.

I smiled innocently at him and then said "They were charity events. They don't pay you."

His smile dropped but then he shrugged it off. "Oh well, I'm still paying for all of it." He said quickly. I sighed but didn't argue. It's the least he could do.

On the ride home, Austin and I were singing to A Billion Hits when in the middle of the song he casually said.

"Oh yeah, and before I forget, I'm doing a concert tomorrow, in Victoria park. You should come." He smiled.

I thought about it and then said "I'd love to, but I can't. Carly wants to go horse riding tomorrow. But good luck anyway." I smiled. Why did family have to come first? I go to all of Austin's concerts but this one is away from home and it's all different types of fans. Then a thought popped into my head.

"Erm, Austin. Have you advertised this on Twitter yet?" I asked nervously. He turned the corner and nodded.

"Yeah, why?" He asked, checking his rear-view mirror. I started to get nervous.

"And does David and Jack Millard follow you?" I asked, giving him a hint. I remembered the night Jack and David knocked me out, of course I don't rememeber that part because I was out cold, but I remember that Austin told me that they said that they want to perform at his next concert, or else... Did that sound confusing? Well you know what I mean.

"I think so, but who can name all my followers?" he asked smugly. How was he not getting it?

I rolled my eyes. "David. Jack. Concert. Or else." I said, leaving pauses in between.

His smile suddenly faded. He got it. Finally.

"Oh. What are we going to do?" He asked, reaching Uncle Lou's street. I shrugged.

"Looks like you'll have to let them perform. You did make a promise." I said. It's the only way that they'll leave us alone. But then again, they haven't bothered us since the incident. Maybe they've moved on?

"But this is my first concert the other side of the country. I want to make it memorable." He whined. We were at Lou's house now.

"You have to tell them. Who knows what they'll do if you don't! Just promise me that you'll tell them. I don't want to see you get hurt." I said, rubbing the back of his hand. If Austin got hurt, I wouldn't be able to live with myself.

"Fine, I guess I'll call them. I don't want to see you get hurt either." He smiled.

"Thank you. Good luck for tomorrow, I'm sorry I can't come, tell me all about it." I smiled and kissed him.

"It's alright, have fun with whatever you're doing with your cousin." He returned the smile and I left the car. He drove off as I stepped inside.

Inside I saw Carter eating a bowl of Lucky Charms as he watched TV. "Hey Carter, where's everyone else?" I asked as I sat next to him.

He paused the TV and looked at me. "Hey, I think they're outside, grooming the horses probably." He said, he didn't sound well.

"Are you feeling alright?" I asked, why wasn't anyone else here to look after him?

"Yeah, just a little cold, it'll be gone soon. I get them all the time." He said and then sneezed. Why don't I know this?

"You should've told me, I think I have some Lorophozimetiam in my suitcase. It really works, it got rid of my cold within 24 hours when I was ill." I smiled as I got up. He thanked me and I went upstairs to get the medicine.

I took out one tablet and gave it to him with a glass of water. He swallowed it and downed the water. "Thank you Ally, you're amazing." He said, hugging me.

"No problem, now you should get some sleep." I said taking the bowl of Lucky Charms from him. He hobbled upstairs. After I grabbed my own bowl of Lucky Charms and ate them while I watched Modern Family. Then I went upstairs to my room.

A few moments later a knock came from the other side of the door. And Carly opened the door. "Hey Ally, mind if I come in?" She asked standing at the door. I smiled and said "Sure what's up?"

She sat on my bed along with me and crossed her legs. "My horse is ill and I don't think I should ride him." She said. I can tell when she's lying.

I narrowed my eyes, suspiciously. "Ethan asked you out didn't he?" I smirked. Busted.

"Yeah, I'm sorry, I totally forgot we had plans and-" she began to say but I interrupted her.

"Carls, it's fine. I know how much you like him." I smiled. Now I can see Austin in concert.

She hugged me. "Thank you Ally, you're the best!" She said and then left.

Then my phone sung it's message tone. I looked at it. Unknown number.


Hey Ally, it's Luke from the plane. Do you want to meet up soon? x

Oh Luke, I forgot about him. That's perfect, I could meet up with Luke and we can watch Austin's concert.


Hi, I'm good you? And yeah, I'm free tomorrow, I hear there's a concert in Victoria Park. x

He text back almost instantly.


I'm good too:) and sounds great, meet up around 12? x

Austin's concert doesn't start until 12:30 so I guess we could hang out for 30 minutes before Austin goes on.


That's perfect:) I'll see you tomorrow x

Then before I knew it, I was asleep.

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