More Secrecy?

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Ally's p.o.v

"So it's settled, everyone be ready for half past one." I stated once more to everyone. Dad and Uncle Lou were going to a soccer game today so Trish, the cousins and I were going to the movies to watch Frozen.

"Carter, are you sure you don't want to go to the soccer game with the Dad's?" Trish asked, painting her index fingernail. We were all gathered in Carly's room and she has the best makeup so Trish has decided to help herself to Carly's nail kit. She doesn't mind though.

"Nah, I'm more into baseball than soccer. Plus I've been dying to see this movie." He grinned. Everyone was still in their pajamas and looking tired and half asleep, considering it's quarter past eleven.

"Alright, see you guys at half one, movie starts at two and can we please let Trish into the bathroom first, she takes the longest to get ready." I pleaded. You couldn't even imagine how long it took Trish to get ready for the fair two days ago.

As I thought of the fair, my mind flickered to Austin. I was still a little thrown from his mood swings yesterday. I mean, what's up with him lately? Was it me? I think we both need a little space for a few days, plus, Trish and Kira are leaving in two days, I need to make time for my best friend!

Everyone filed out of Carly's room to get ready and Trish went into the bathroom first. I went downstairs to get some food when I ran into my Dad looking in the mirror with a ridiculously large foam finger on his hand and blue and yellow war style face paint on his cheeks.

"Er, Dad?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at his attire.

He turned around with his famous grin plastered on his face. "What do you think, sweetie? Do I look like a-" he started saying but I interrupted him.

"- a clown? Yes you do Daddy. I didn't even know you were into soccer." I smiled at his enthusiasm.

"I used to be when I was younger but I stopped being involved with it because I got so tied up in work. I'm going to spend a day feeling young again!" He punched the air and jumped up and down.

"How young? Five?" I asked, slightly horrified at his outburst.

"Very funny." He smiled, but soon his smile fell. "What's wrong? You don't seem like the regular Ally Dawson today." He pulled his eyebrows into a frown.

I walked over to the couch and sat down. "It's Austin. He's been getting really weird lately. He's been having these mood swings and I don't know what to do." I sighed. My Dad might not always be the first person I got to for advice but he's always going to be my Dad and he's going to listen when he needs to and help me when I need help.

"Have you tried talking to him?" He asked, sitting down next to me.

"Yeah, but every time I do, it turns into a scream-fest. He used to be so happy and fun, and hardly get annoyed about anything, but now he flips at almost everything." My focus lowered to the floor and my thumbs started twiddling together nervously.

"Maybe he's doing it because he wants more attention from you. I mean, you've been spending time with Trish and your cousins and he just wants something romantic, to show him that someone still cares about him." Dad answered, putting an arm around me.

I smiled. "Thanks Daddy." I said calmly but then I sighed. "I wish Mum was still here." My breath caught in my throat and tears came to my eyes. Sometimes I need a mother figure in my life.

"Me too, honey. Me too." Dad said uneasily.

You see, we tell everyone that Mum left us because she couldn't support the family anymore. That's what Dad and I have been telling everyone for years. The truth is that Mum actually died when I was seven. She was the reason I started music. Since she died when I was so young, I only have a few amazing memories with her, like the time she and Dad were at my first piano lesson, and my first concert at the school talent show. They are in the front row cheering me on. Those days when the whole family went to the beach; we'd make sand castles and then they'd buy me fruity mint swirl ice cream.

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