Video Chatting

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Ally's p.o.v

"They know where we are..." Austin said to me.

I took the phone from his hands and read the message. Then I looked up at him. "You're not actually going to meet them...right?" I asked Austin. When he didn't say anything I asked again. "Right?" I urged.

He pressed his lips together and looked at me with fear in his eyes. "I have to. It's the only way I can keep you safe." He said and he started walking again.

I walked beside him. "And what about you? Who's going to keep you safe?" I asked, scared of what the answer would be.

"I keep myself safe." He said with no emotion. His face completely blank.

"That's exactly what I was afraid of. Austin, you scream every time you see a spider. What's going to happen if they pull a gun at you?" I ask starting to worry about all the possibilities.

"Don't worry Ally. All they want to do is ask me something. I'm sure it's nothing." He shrugged trying to hide the fear building up inside of him. I could tell he was scared.

"Are you sure? Maybe I could come with you? I could hide in the bushes!" I suggested. I'm pretty good at being invisible, I've had years of practise at school.

He shook his head. "You saw the text. I have to go alone, plus if they find you, who knows what they'd do to you." He said in his worried Austin way.

My eyes widened. "Who knows what they'll do to YOU!" I stressed.

Austin turned to me and rubbed my arms. "Ally, stop worrying! I'll be fine! I'll text you when I get back. If I don't text you by 8am, then call Dez and Trish and come looking for me. Alright?" He asked me. I nodded. He hugged me and then we walked back to my house. I knew he was in danger, I knew he was going to het hurt. I think he knew that too, but he had to go...

We were outside my front door. "Do you want to come in? Until you have to go?" I asked him.

He shook his head. "No, it's okay. I'll video chat you when I get home though?" He asked, I could see he was starting to get nervous.

"Okay. I can't believe this might be the last moment I get to spend with you." I said starting to tear up. He could get killed for all I know!

"Ally, don't say that. You know I'll be fine." He said to me, even though he sounded unsure when he said it. I have so much love for him, if he gets hurt in anyway, I don't know what I'd do! He hugged me and said in my ear. "I love you Ally."

"I love you too Austin. So much." I replied in his ear. We pulled out of the hug and then we kissed. All my love for him was on my lips. Like I was saying how much I love him through that one kiss. "I'll video you later. Bye." He said before he walked back to his.

I opened my door to find my Dad reading the news paper. "Look honey, we have an ad in the paper!" He said showing me. I would normally be happy for my Dad, but I couldn't. Not at this moment anyway.

"That's great Dad. Things are going in the right direction." I smiled faintly before I went to my room. I was staring at a blank screen for ages. Waiting for Austin to come online.

Austin's p.o.v

When I got back home and ran up to my room, not bothering to speak to my parents. They were too busy watching their commercial on TV. I opened my laptop and called Ally over video. She answered straight away. Her eyes were red and puffy, like she'd been crying. "No, Ally, don't cry. Please?" I pleaded her.

I know she doesn't want me to go, but I have to! "I can't help it! I couldn't live with myself if you got hurt just to protect me! I love you too much to let you go." She said crying again. I felt like poo now. She's getting so stressed because of all of this.

"Ally, I promise you, in a few hours, this will all be over. I was looking at karate moves when I was walking home. I think I have it now." I smiled but she wouldn't stop crying.

I looked at my alarm clock. 10:30pm. "Ally I have an hour to spend with you then I have to leave. Please don't cry, please stop." I begged.

She finally stopped. "Okay, I've stopped. I just want to change the subject." She said wiping her tears with the back of her hand.

"Okay, did you hear that Double Take has now got ten million views?" I asked smiling. Ally didn't smile.

"How am I going to write songs for you if you get hurt?" She asked crying again. "Ally, I'm going to tell you one more time. PLEASE stop crying! Please? For me?" I asked. The truth is, is that when Ally starts to cry, I start to cry. I was more worried than upset.

An hour passed in a flash. We ended up talking about Ally's Dad's ad in the newspaper. I looked at my clock. 11:03pm. It takes about 20 minutes to get to the beach. "Ally, I have to go now. I promise I will call you when it's all finished with." I said starting to get nervous.

Ally looked so upset, I just wanted to blow off the beach and go to her's and hug her for ever. But I couldn't. "Alright, if they try to hurt you, don't defend yourself. Just run. Please be careful. I'll be waiting for you when it's over." She said trying to be supportive.

"Okay, thank you, I'll speak to you soon." I said.

She smiled faintly. "Good luck." She said before I logged off. 

I went downstairs and told my parents I was going to sleep and not to be disturbed because I had to see Ally early in the morning, which wasn't a complete lie. They said goodnight to me and walked back upstairs. I bundled up some jackets underneath my blanket, so it looks like I'm asleep and I climbed out of my window...

Summer and Secrecy. An Austin and Ally Story.Where stories live. Discover now