Finding Austin.

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Ally's p.o.v

I looked everywhere that Austin would probably go, but he wasn't there. I wonder what he's so angry about. Well, I guess since Kira's there, he has a reason.

I tried calling him one last time. To my surprise he actually picked up.

"What?" He said down the phone. He sounded annoyed at me.

"Austin, where are you? I'm worried about you." I said, stopping and sitting down on a bench.

"I'm fine. Now go back to your Uncles." He ordered. Why was he being so mean to me?

"I want to find you." I said, my voice shaking.

"I don't want finding." He snapped. Then I heard voices on his side of the phone.

"Austin, please?" I whispered. But he didn't hear me.

"I have to go." His voice was distracted. Then he hung up.

The voices on his side of the phone sounded male and they didn't sound like the type of people to pick fights with. I have to find him! I stood up and kept walking, hopefully I'll bump into him.

Austin's p.o.v

I ended up near a club. Loads of girls were dressed in their smallest outfits and guys holding beer in one hand and smoking with the other. I didn't fit in here.

My phone buzzed, it was Ally, again. I doubt she'll give up so I answered.

"What?" I asked, angrily. I didn't mean to be harsh but I felt so annoyed at everyone.

"Austin, where are you? I'm worried about you." she said sweetly. I hated being like this, but I hated being nice to everyone and letting them all walk over me like a doormat.

"I'm fine. Now go back to your Uncles." I instructed, I didn't want her to get lost or hurt trying to find me.

"I want to find you." Her voice was shaking. This made me more mad, at myself though.

"I don't want finding." I spat. Right at that moment, 2 guys approached me, they smelt of beer and they were mumbling to me. I couldn't understand them.

"Austin, please?" Ally whispered down the phone. I was too busy trying to move away from the guys but they kept following me.

"I have to go." I said finally so I could deal with these drunks. Then I hung up.

I turned to the guys and raised my eyebrows at them. They were a mess. I hate alcohol. "Can I help you guys?" I asked.

They were both a few inches taller than me but they were in no state to actually balance. They were leaning on each other for support. "You're that guy, Austin Moooooon." The tallest guy said. He said my last name like a cow moo. What was he implying?

"Yeah. You guys seem like cool dudes but I have to go." I said and began to walk away but they stumbled behind me.

"Don't leave. Have a beer, It'll do you good." The second one smiled and handed me a bottle of beer. It looked like pee and it smelt like it too.

My face cringed at the smell. "No thanks, I'm good." I said, handing him the bottle back, but he didn't grab it properly and it slipped out of his hand and smashed on the floor.

"You idiot! That's expensive booze! You'll pay for this!" The first one yelled at me. I looked at the broken glass and liquid on the floor. Seriously? This rubbish is expensive?

"I didn't break it, he did!" I pointed at the second guy. That was a bad idea, his face twisted and he glared at me.

"You what? Handle this like a true man and let's fight it out." He snarled. Clearly this guy was only looking for a fight.

Summer and Secrecy. An Austin and Ally Story.Where stories live. Discover now