Nine | I still hate you... remember that

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Lunden Evergreen

I almost felt sick as I walked down his street. For some reason, I felt nervous entering the home of a known enemy. But I wouldn't be the only one. Other competitors and possibly feuding students would be in attendance.

Today, Dr.Thayer had a study group at 3 p.m., which gave me office hours. But the problem with the character analysis I was facing was that I knew the whole story, the motive, and why the killer did what she did.

But I couldn't say or do much about it, not without facing a lifetime behind bars and destroying my life. But on a rainy and muggy day like today, I felt more confident in my portrayal of stupidity than anything.

I was already quite tired, and walking 30 minutes from campus wasn't all that fun. However, it was only a 15-minute train ride. I figured a walk would benefit me more, but now, almost at the house and slightly damp, I couldn't have disagreed more.

I counted the numbers on the homes, and soon, I found myself outside of a massive brownstone on Commonwealth Ave. I wondered how many complexes remained inside this place. It was bigger than my childhood home for just being in the city.

I made my way up the steps and pressed the doorbell. I heard it ring on the inside, followed by the sound of a dog barking. Soon, a figure came behind the glass doors, and he appeared.

The door opened to a confused Dr.Thayer. In a brown wool coat ready to go, his face lacked a smile, and he just stared at me like I was a lost dog.

"Lunden, what are you doing here?" I looked around and then down to my watch. The time stated three in the afternoon, just as he asked.

"I'm here for the study group at three." He looked back into his house and then at me.

"The study group was at noon and ended a half hour ago. Dr.Shepherd even left, and she lingers." Now I was confused and even more so annoyed.

"You told me three, and I did show up. I really need your help, Dr.Thayer, please; I don't beg." He glanced at me for a moment before stepping aside and opening the doors to his house.

"Come on, let's see what you are whining about. Maybe get some knowledge into that thick scull of yours." Surprised, I thank him gratefully and enter his home, ignoring his insults.

It was, in fact, not a complex, just a singular home. One that belonged to Dr.Thayer, leaving me shocked. As I walked further in, this house dominated most I'd ever entered. A luxury took place in each aspect.

"Your home is gorgeous." He turned to see me left stunned; it looked like something straight out of a movie set. Something straight out of the 19th century, an old brownstone.

"Was my parents and grandparents. Now it's mine." We continued forward, and I was led into his study. A wall of diplomas was to the side, his undergrad, master's, and PhD. He'd jumped from the top schools for his studies. I wonder how old he was. Though looking young, it must've taken years to get these.

"Lunden?" He sat in his chair, waiting for me to take a seat in the chair in front of me. I do and make sure to remain straight up, I tended to be a sloucher.

"Sorry, I normally wouldn't do this. I don't struggle or need help on assignments."

"This is why you should've used your accommodations," He suggested, gaining an eye roll from me. I didn't need this right now; I came for help and not a scolding.

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