Twenty Three | You're the teacher

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Lunden Evergreen

His red pen traced against the paper quickly as he moved through them grading like there was no tomorrow. I knew he was thinking about his business trip to New Orleans, he'd be leaving me for a week for some conference.

Recently I found myself at his office hours a lot more recently. Mostly because nobody showed up out of fear of him, which meant I got him all to myself during academic hours.

He looks so serious, like if you poked him with a pin he could pop. I was meant to be studying for my first exam of the semester. But yet I found myself distracted by him.

"If I knew you'd be staring at me the entire time I would've lied to you about my office hours" He muttered causing me to suck on my bottom lip in response, "Baby please don't do that to me" His eyes glanced up at me as I fiddled with the buttons of my shirt.

"What's wrong?" He forced his eyes to focus on my face as my third button slipped.

"I'm about to lock the door and pin you against this desk Miss Evergreen, that's what's wrong" My eyes roamed around the room and landed back on him.

"I'm not opposed" Reaching for the hem of my shirt I pulled it up and over my head to sit in my laced white bra.

"Ah so you weren't wearing a push-up today, they really are that size?" Scoffing I stood moving over to the door and as I grabbed the handle he looked at me confused, "Angelo..." The lock twists and clicks and I let go.

"Birth control tends to do that sometimes" He stood stepping away from his desk. He leans against the front of it watching me as I remove my sweats.

"A matching set?" Now his eyes no longer remained on mine instead they were staring at the lace in between my thighs, "I thought this was a study session?"

"It is, and you're the teacher" Fiddling with his belt he pulled me close to him holding me by the waist and his eyes remained on my lips. His hands slipped down to my ass cupping it and then I felt a small spank against it causing it to burn.

I reached for the collar of his shirt and moved down with each button til his chest was fully exposed. My fingers traced the tattoos against his abs, I began counting them and so far I've found twenty-eight.

His belt is removed and slacks pool to his feet. I kiss his lips teasing him as I pull away, "Your boxers are cute" His hands grip the desk as I lean forward and bend.

My eyes move from his cock up to meet his face, "You sure Angelo, you don't-" My tongue swirls around the tip and moved down the side of his dick. It glides against a vein and my lips moved sucking down against it.

My mouth found the tip of his dick again, "Help me through it" Nodding his fingers combed through my hair and he helped me as I moved down. I heard his breath hitch as I continued, I felt my eyes water as I couldn't breathe.

"Through the nose Angelo," I closed my eyes for a moment and felt his fingers brush my hair away from my face. His hand reaches the back of my head.

"Can we go a little rougher baby girl?" I nodded in response and his hips bucked quickly. He guided himself faster in my mouth. His hands grip the back of my head as he fucked my face.

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