Nineteen | Body Count

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Lunden Evergreen

I laid in his arms on New Year's Eve. I'd gone back to campus a few times, but he was insistent on me staying here some nights. Even if I didn't share a bed with him, he didn't like me alone on campus.

I get it, there was not a lot of security and no RA's during the holiday break. I just figured he worried about my father coming back. But in that case, my father would be the one who's fucked.

I had a shift this afternoon at the restaurant, I'd been clocking in a lot more hours this break, but I needed the money and it kept me busy.

"I have to go to work" I mumbled into his chest.

"You can't leave me, Angelo, you're mine I don't want to share you with the world" My stomach flutters as I laugh. I had this new habit of clinging to him, it was a new feeling.

"I'll be back by five o'clock don't worry. Well, I have to go to campus and grab some stuff so maybe six if that's alright?" He nodded and as I went to sit up he pulled me back down beside me. His kisses lingered against my neck and I eventually pulled away.

"See you laterrr" I grabbed my jacket and scarf quickly exiting the house. Fortunately, Atlas lived a street away from the restaurant where I happened to work at.

The cold streets of Boston kept me alive as I made my way across the park to Newbury. Walking down the crowded sidewalks I entered the restaurant and headed out back. The lunch crowd was crazy today but manageable.

I wrapped the apron around my waist and grabbed my pen and paper. I looked up to see Cathy, an unpleasant look took form on her face as she walked out back.

"She's back."

"Who's back?"

"The bitch who wanted you fired, I'm waiting her table currently. Mark needs a backbone and ban her, why does she come back if she hates it" I look over to see her with a group of women.

"That locket's gorgeous" I look down to my neck.

"It was my boyfriend's mother's" A shock filled her face, I failed to mention my dating life to anyone. I mentioned it to Eleanor but failed to say who, it was more of an in-person conversation.

"I'll fill you in later okay?" She nodded with a smirk, an impatience filled her. I was almost like her little sister in a way.

"I'm holding you to that Lun!" She stepped back out to the dining room and I followed behind her tending to a table beside her. I prayed I wouldn't catch Elle's attention. I took the couple's drink orders and as I turned I heard the women laughing. I turned to see them all staring at me.

Past my better judgement I stepped forward towards the table, "Is there a problem ladies?"

Elle shoots me a mischievous look and turns back to her friends, "This is the tramp who was flirting with Atlas?" A girl with auburn hair looked at me with disgust. If only she knew.

But I wasn't in a place to reveal our relationship, Atlas didn't consent to that. It also would seem spiteful and inappropriate. Elle was one of those girls who never grew up and put others down. She never had to work hard in her entire life.

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