Thirty Nine | The women he failed

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Lunden Evergreen

It was weird being in this position again. It had been so long since I'd hunted someone down, but it was even weirder that Atlas was here. What if he no longer loved me after seeing what I could do.

I knew that wasn't the case fully, but sometimes someone you love can change. It takes one thing to make someone turn on you. But as we sat in a hidden car waiting for my father.

It was silent. The only noise to be heard was our breathing and the wind from outside. He hesitated to put on the radio, but then pulled back deciding not to. Leaving us in silence.

"Will you look at me differently after this?" My gaze remained straight forward through the windshield as I asked him the question. But then his hand wrapped around mine.

"Lunden, I'll never look at you differently," As I looked at him he smiled in assurance, "It's you and me now okay?" His hand moves to graze my stomach lightly, "and our little it."

"It? You're going to call the baby an it now," He shrugged in response. It was something that was coming up so fast, almost too fast. I felt like my pregnancy in a way was escaping me with time.

"Well do you know the gender?" He glanced at me. I knew he secretly wanted to know so badly, so he resorted to 'it' to most likely bug me.

"Shouldn't we be focused on me killing my father?" He sucked in his lips nodding in agreement, "I want it to be quick and easy for me, but painful and brutal for him. I can't believe he hurt Mom and that bitch Melinda he married probably wants him to die... maybe she was praying for me, a miracle." The rain clattered down on the windshield and I lowered my cap further down.

We weren't in any specifically populated area but it was still risky being out. I'd hide myself for the rest of my life.

"What a fun roadtrip," The both of us jump at the sound of Verena in the backseat unexpectedly, "You guys seriously didn't check the trunk... there's a psychopath after you?"

"We thought you were taking a separate car," He mumbled and looked at her through the rearview.

"Yeah and waste money on gas putting out more fossil fuels than we need? You should be worried for the earth with that baby," She sinks back into the seats and then after a few moments the sound of crunching is heard.

She sits with a bag of lays in hand munching away watching the two of us, "Where did you get the chips?" She looks in the trunk and then back to me.

"I found them in this car..." The two of us look at her surprised, because we haven't driven this car in a bit. They were definitely Josie's but who knows how long they've been back there.

I laugh, "Expect a tummy ache later."

"That's not very uplifting, it's not like there's mold and they don't taste stale?"

"You're right... you probably have only a thirty percent chance of food poisoning and then sudden death," This time Atlas jokes but she wasn't laughing, but I was.

"Aren't we supposed to be in a mission to kill your father?" And then we are brought back again to the reason why we are here, with the stale baked lays.

"Where is Hope?" I look around.

"Theo is allegedly coming, her mother Maria is in the hospital," Now I was more alarmed, "She's okay but she had a heart attack and so-"

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