Twenty Seven | Red Ribbon

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Lunden Evergreen

I woke up still tight in his arms and as I broke free a set of chills filled my body. I took deep breaths as I sat up slowly, for some reason I found my body aching.

I glanced at to clock to see I'd only slept for three hours. He was still asleep with his head leaned against my chest now as I moved. He shifted slightly and then slowly opened his eyes. He stared at me for a moment and then a look of concern filled his face.

"Are you okay Lunden?"


"What, why?" He sat up swiftly and his hand was placed against my forehead.

"Baby you have a fever" Slipping out from the covers he steps away from the bed and leaves to go into the hallway. I hear the noise of stuff moving around and he returns with a thermometer. After instructing me to open my mouth, I do and after a few seconds, it beeps.


"You are sick babe" I shook my head in denial, I couldn't have been sick. Hungover probably, but sick, most definitely not.

"I'm fine, I have to get ready for school" As I attempt to get up from the bed he stops me shaking his head.

"Angelo as a mandated reporter, you cannot go to school today. And as someone who slept with you and shared saliva with you... I don't think I should go in either" My jaw dropped, this man has never missed a day of classes. Even if he had a sniffle he'd show up, he was almost too anal about it.

You should never expect a canceled class with Dr.Thayer unless it's preplanned. But this, this was new. This man was staying home for me... he really did love me.

"You're staying home?" He leaned forward kissed my forehead and adjusted the pillows behind me to have me up comfortably.

"Angelo, you are very sick and though you might not fully feel it now, you will later. Being home alone while sick also sucks, why do you think Pepper is in this house" He looks over to her curled into a ball on his corner chair

"Nobody likes to be alone when they're sick, I'll make you some soup. Just rest please, if you're sick... I'm sick" Stepping away from me once more he went into the bathroom. I heard the faucet run and after a few moments, it stopped.

He held three things in hand as he walked over. Ibuprofen and a glass of water and then a wet rag. Before I could refuse it was placed on my head.

"Try and sleep some more while I make you some oatmeal and tea."

"I hate oatmeal and I don't love tea?" He shrugs at me, it was something he already knew. But I knew he wouldn't budge on my diet while I was sick.

"Well, they'll make you feel better Angelo, now sleep or watch some cheesy movies, and email your professors later. If they give you any troubles..." I couldn't help but roll my eyes, he couldn't interfere, that would be too far.

"It would seem like I traded sex for grades, that's what it would look like Dr.Thayer" He bit his bottom lip holding back his smirk. I had no relationship in that way with the man while I was his student.

He just happened to take my virginity weeks later. But people wouldn't see it that way and it would endanger the both of us if it ever got out. Being known as the after-school special didn't really sound great to me.

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