Thirty Seven | Happy Birthday my love

812 34 4

Atlas Thayer

I know I said I hated birthdays. But seeing Lunden in her overalls with her little bump smiling as we pick flowers was something I never expected. That and what those overalls did to her ass was almost like a birthday gift in itself.

She was adorable today, flowers in her left hand and a basket in her right. Her black hair in a messy bun and her five feet ahead of me with Pepper.

Looking for flowers made her feel more relaxed about Eleanor and she insisted that she'd bake me a cake. I told her it was totally unnecessary but I knew she wouldn't budge.

Following her back inside the house she placed the flowers in a vase and opened a drawer to find ribbon and then turned to me a fixed look on her face.

"What's wrong Angelo?" Her eyes went from me to the ground and placed down the ribbon.

"I feel bad I didn't get you a birthday gift, I know I didn't know but-"

"But you didn't know and that's on me Angelo" She took a slow deep breath and return turned her around and wrapped my arms around her bump and let her sink back into my arms.

"You are giving me a baby, I think that counts as the best gift of all... giving me a family" I feel her relax and begin to slowly sway in my arms.

"I really love you, do you know that?" Kissing the nape of her neck she looked up to face me.

"Mm you do? I mean you are having a baby with me and we did, well, separately... runaway and now live a secret little life together to be happy and... to raise said baby so-"

"Yeah, yeah I fucking love you" Her words make me laugh as the wispiness in her tone reaches me and with my smile she rolls her eyes. "You ready to see me become the pillsbury dough boy, get some flour in my hair," With those words my lips met her soft ones, I could taste her forever.

"Can we watch more of that show you love so much tonight... what is it called" I watched as the smirk grew on her face, she knew that I knew exactly what it's called.

"Scandal" Her face, a knowing look as I couldn't hide it, "You little bugger, I know you love it, the drama, the White House!"

"And what about it?" With that she laughs once more and turned back to her ribbon. But as she sucked in her lips I knew she wasn't done.

"What is it Angelo?"

"Is it really like that? You know was it ever really like that in the white house, is B6-13 real?! Oh my god why am I not-"

"Angelo your words sound like nonsense," with ribbon her hand she turns back to me more curious, "Your nuttiness is going to make our baby a nut, think about that."

"Our baby is from a nut, you think about that," There were no words to give after that just left her mouth. Which was now agape as she realized the lengths she just went, "As in... you are a nut, not-" Cutting herself short a flush grew on her cheeks as she couldn't quite speak.

"I think this pregnancy has made you more  comfortable hasn't it," With that I gained an eye roll as she smirked.

"Oh you are one to talk about comfortable. I've made observations of my own babe. But I am so madly in love with you, I don't usually notice it," She turns cutting the ribbon and then stares at a bracelet on her wrist. I knew why it bothered her.

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