Thirty Two | It's Angelo

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Lunden Evergreen

I watched as he stood mouth agape in shock for a few moments. He knew by the placement of his hand on my small bump, but the words, saying them out loud this time.

His eyes leave mine and look down to my vacant stomach. Pulling his hand away from my bump he reached for my sweater, the one he'd gifted me for Christmas.

He lifted it to see my hidden bump. My body had gone through changes, but I was the only one seeing them. Now he was too.

I held back my shirt as he looked down. I watched as the smile grew on his face.

"You're pregnant" He repeats back to me in admiration.

"Usually condoms work" I mumbled and he laughed. His lips connect with mine as he pulls me in tight. His hand pressed down on my stomach as we stood together.

"I'm so sorry Luden." I watched as his eyes glossed, that feeling of guilt rippling through him again.

"Shhh, you're here now" I nuzzled my face into my neck as he held me tight. It was a feeling I missed, the comfort of him, his body. I'd cried most nights, I felt empty and alone. But I had no other options, well I was angry, that was an option.

He pulled back after a few moments holding my hand in his. I knew he was thinking about where I was, what I was thinking. I knew I needed to heal, but I needed him to heal.

"How far along are you?"

"Twelve weeks... Valentine's Day was more special than I thought" It felt too soon, so rushed. But it was here and I accepted it. I knew on that night, he was mine and that if I had him this Valentine's Day I wanted him for all of them.

He chuckled and kissed my lips once more. Still holding his hand I led him out from the mud room and into the living room. Curled up on the creme-colored couch and snuggled up in her blanket Pepper looked up at us. He sat beside her on the couch while he waited for me to join him.

"Do you want any water or, I don't know something to drink? Coffee?" He looked at me slightly confused, "I'm not drinking coffee... well you know I don't, but hey I still would be allowed a cup a day."

"Is that wise Angelo?" He took my hand and gently brought me down to his lap, "I'm all set for now" He kissed my cheek and pulled me tight against his chest. My head leans against his shoulder and his arms wrapped around my side.

"I'm sorry you thought I'd try to kill you" He mumbled.

"I'm sorry I thought you tried to kill me" I feel his chest rise and fall as he laughs.

"Is the baby okay... I mean with the sedative I used I could've harmed them I-" My hand covers his mouth as I shake my head. His eyes were bloodshot as he began to tear up, no words as he just stared forward.

"They are okay" I whispered, "We are okay" His eyes glanced back at me as the silent tears fell down his cheeks. I wipe them with my thumb and as I pull him in for a kiss I feel his hand press against my stomach.

His head leaned against mine as our eyes closed just taking in each other's presence.

"How are you here... How did you find me?" When his eyes open from my question he looks over to Pepper curled up against us. He pets the top of her head as she wags her tail.

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