The Nice and Accurate Feelings of Aziracrowley, Husbands

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HI GUYS!!! I'm so excited to start a new book and I hope you all like it. I have been really into good omens recently, so hopefully I can portray that for those who are too.

These are some events and feelings leading up to s2e6.

Obviously, ⚠️SEASON 2 EPISODE 6 SPOILERS!!⚠️

Before The Beginning

Crawley inspects his 'machine,' wondering how beautiful the nebula will look when he has finished it. He simply cannot wait to see his own creation, with help from The Almighty, of course.

Crawley looks around, wondering how he will crank the machine on if nobody is there to help him. As if on queue, he sees a speck of light travel by at a high rate of speed. "S'cuse me!" He yells at the light. "Hey!"

Suddenly, the light travels towards him, and another angel appears. He's very boyish looking, light blonde, almost white hair, smiling like never before. "Yes? Was that you?" He asks in a kind voice.

"Uh, hi, yeah, uh, look, if you don't mind, could you hold this while I crank it all up?" Crawley stutters, very much pleased with the sight of the angel before him.

"Um..." The angel looks. "Which way up does it go?" He asks, nervously.

Crawley stutters again. "Uh just hold it tight... there we go." Crawley smiles, placing the crank in its designated spot. "Alright ready?" He asks, excitedly, looking up at the breathtaking angel in front of him.

"For what?" The angel asks, confused. He has no idea what's going on.

Crawley cranks the machine, grunting at the force he has to put into it. The unknown angel smiles up at him as he does, waiting for something amazing to happen.

"There 'ya go. Lovely. Thank you, you can put it down now." Crawley decides, the angel dropping the piece of paper, shrugging.

"Is that it?" He asks. He thought something amazing was going to happen.

"Oh no, I'm just priming the engine. This is the fun bit." Crawley states, looking out into the vast nothingness. "I've been waiting for this since... um... well always." He says, smiling at the anticipation.

"Um, hello!" The angel smiles. "I'm Aziraphale." He introduces himself, excited to meet Crawley.

"Nice meeting you." Crawley says, trying to downplay the happiness he's feeling. "Okaay here it goes. Let there be matter, let there be gravity, let there be everything from pages 11 to 3,000,602 inclusively." He says, waiving his hand into the darkness.

"Is something meant to happen?" Aziraphale asks, looking out and seeing nothing happen.

"Oh right, sorry, yes. Yes! I knew I missed one." Crawley says, laughing at himself. "Let there be light." He concludes, smiling as his creation comes to life, spitting colors and gasses that nobody has ever seen before. He smiles and excitedly makes noises of happiness.

"Oh, good lord!" Aziraphale says, astonished at the beautiful creation before him.

"Look at you, you're gorgeous!" Crawley says, looking at the newly formed Nebula.

Aziraphale smiles and blushes, looking over at the angel to see that he's talking about the creation, not him. Of course. "Y-you made it all yourself?" Aziraphale asks, trying to take his mind off of the pity he feels for himself. Of course the other angel wouldn't say that about him.

Crawley turns to him, smiling. "Ah.. well, I mean more or less. I wasn't.. I wasn't um.. I wasn't the original concept designer, but I worked very closely with upstairs on it." He says, pointing upwards.

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