Adam's Power

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Finally, the apocalypse that didn't work out is over. Everything's back to normal. Crowley is living his life, every moment just waiting until an appropriate time to go see Aziraphale, and Aziraphale waiting for Crowley to come see him.

The one thing that stayed the same after the apocalypse attempt was Adam's powers. Crowley and Aziraphale had offered to teach him more about how to use them if they had stayed, so they kept that promise.

Every Friday after school, Adam would come to the bookshop and Crowley and Aziraphale would teach him small tricks and tips. All for the use of good, of course, but Adam was excited to be able to do certain not particularly good things. Lying to his parents was one, trying to get Crowley and Aziraphale together was the other.

Since he's been doing these lessons, Adam has been working with Anathema as well. She's been teaching him many things, but one in particular that he's struggled with, and wanted to use the most.

He wants to make people have to tell the truth.

One Friday, he came over to the bookshop and it was just Aziraphale, which ruined his totally awesome plan. "Where's Crowley?" Adam asks, walking into the shop.

"Oh he's with Nina at the moment, dear, but we can still practice without him." Aziraphale said, obviously covering something up.

Adam decided he was curious enough to test his newly found power on Aziraphale. "Where is he really?" Adam said, focusing on making Aziraphale tell the truth.

Aziraphale stuttered for a moment and then sighed. "We had a spat. He isn't coming." He says, leaving it at that.

"About what?" Adam asks, still using his powers.

"I- well... me and him were out to dinner and I may have said something that was out of line. I apologized, but he needed some time." Aziraphale admits, confused as to why he's actually telling Adam this stuff.

"Were you two... on a date?" Adam asks, curiously. He'd stopped using his power already, he knew that the angel would grow suspicious if he kept telling the truth.

"No! No nothing like that. We have dinner together weekly. It's quite nice, though." Aziraphale says, blushing.

"Sounds like a date to me." Adam says, shrugging. He sets his book bag and books down and sits at the table, beginning their lessons.

A few weeks later, Crowley had returned to his lessons, and while Aziraphale was making tea, Adam used his power on Crowley to ask something he's been dying to ask. "So is it true that you and Aziraphale go on dates?" Adam asks, making Crowley's eyes go wide in shock.

"No. No that's not true. Where'd you hear that?" Crowley asks, kind of sadly.

"Well I had heard that you two go to dinner weekly. Why aren't they dates?" Adam asks, focusing really hard to make Crowley tell the truth.

"Well..." Crowley starts. "He doesn't want them to be." He says simply, making sure his glasses are pushed up to his eyes.

"But do you?" Adam asks, curiously.

Crowley tries to fight off telling the truth, but he can't. "Yeah. Yeah I do." Crowley says sadly. "Why am I telling you this? Get back to the lesson." Crowley says, shaking his head and making Adam continue with his actual lesson.

The next Friday, Crowley and Aziraphale were bickering when he walked in. It wasn't anything serious, something about a book. Adam thought that they acted like an old married couple, and so did a lot of others around the two.

While the angel and demon instructed Adam what to do, Adam did it quickly and easily, making both of the men sigh. "It looks like you're a quick learner, dear. Is there anything specific you want us to teach you?" Aziraphale asks, looking at Crowley and shrugging.

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