Season 3~

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A/N since I'm getting pretty good at writing these... I have been working on this chapter for a hot minute. It's at a word count of 18,303 words, so I hope you enjoy! It's mainly fluff and a bit of angst but not really, but towards the end, there's some smut as well. Nothing too crazy though.

The minute Aziraphale enters the lift to heaven, all of his worries, his hesitation, second thoughts, the feeling of faux loss, all washes away. The Metatron clearly sees this as Aziraphale's face becomes lax and his eyes glow purple. The Metatron smiles to himself as he ushers Aziraphale, now supreme archangel, out of the lift and into heaven.

Within a few minutes, Aziraphale guesses—time is weird there—he is sat at his new desk. It's in a far corner of heaven's offices, and there's nobody in sight for several hundred feet. He hasn't said a word yet, but he hasn't really got the chance to either. The Metatron has been talking his ear off for what seems like hours—it's probably only a half hour though—about what God wants. What She plans. What She has instructed Aziraphale to do in his new position.

He is told that his job is mainly paperwork, reading over the plans for the future, and making sure there are no errors on the human side of things. He has been on earth since its creation, so he assumes that's why he's been given this job.

By the time The Metatron leaves his designated office space, Aziraphale's already nose deep into some scripture that the almighty supposedly wants Aziraphale to decipher and proof-read. As if She could make a mistake anyways, Aziraphale thinks.

He's mostly left alone for the next few hours. Occasionally, a lower level angel will come by, introducing themselves, and Aziraphale, of course, would start up a conversation. One of them in particular, though, hits a nerve he almost forgot he had.

"So, what was earth like? Did you have friends?" Armoniel asks, seemingly very fascinated with earth.

"Um... yes, actually." Aziraphale realizes, thinking about everyone since he got to heaven. "I had some really close friends. They kept me up to date. They helped me through the hardest of times. They introduced me to many of the human pleasantries." Aziraphale says, seeing glimpses of Nina, Maggie, and most importantly, Crowley for the first time since stepping foot in that lift.

"I can't imagine how hard it would be to leave them, knowing that you won't see them again." Armoniel says, their face dropping slightly.

"Yes, well, it was for the best. I get to help here, now. I get to better heaven." Aziraphale says, smiling. It's weird, he feels like he shouldn't be happy right now. He feels like he's missing something, but he doesn't know what that something is yet. He just knows that a part of him isn't there anymore.

"That's very noble, Supreme Archangel." Armoniel smiles, standing from the chair across from Aziraphale.

"It was lovely to meet you, Armoniel. Hopefully our paths cross again in the near future." Aziraphale says, smiling. He's ready for the conversation to be over. He's ready to get back to his work.

"Yes, it was an honor." Armoniel says, stepping out of Aziraphale's corner, disappearing to wherever they came from.

Aziraphale sits for a moment and thinks, what could he be missing? He can't miss earth itself, that's too selfish of him, isn't it? He can miss his friends, sure, but it doesn't seem like that's it.

Aziraphale's pulled out of his thoughts as The Metatron walks into his corner, smiling. That smile makes Aziraphale a bit uneasy, though. He wonders why that is.

"How's the proofreading coming along? Any mistakes yet?" The Metatron asks, looking over Aziraphale, seeing that his eyes are still glowing purple, and relaxing at that. Aziraphale notices, but he doesn't think it's anything important.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 28 ⏰

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