The War (part 1)

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This is it. The apocalypse that didn't, now is.

Crowley and Aziraphale have been hearing things from their respective sides, but neither wanted to talk about it. That is, until Aziraphale got the order to return to heaven for battle.

He immediately knew that he had to call Crowley to come to the bookshop.

Aziraphale picked up the phone and dialed Crowley's cell, letting it ring a time or two before he heard the voice on the other end. "Aziraphale." Crowley says, knowingly. He received the order too.

"Please come to the bookshop." Aziraphale says, not entirely knowing what to do about this whole thing.

"I'll be there soon." Crowley says, hanging up the phone and rushing over.

Within 10 minutes, he's bursting through the doors, obviously worried. "Aziraphale, this can't be happening." Crowley says, walking up to the angel and embracing him in a tight hug.

Aziraphale knows that Crowley isn't a hugger, but this calls for one. The angel hugs back and lets tears fall out of his eyes. "What are we supposed to do?" Aziraphale asks, sniffling. He doesn't want this little life they've created come to an end.

Crowley stays silent. He doesn't know either. "We could always go to Alpha Centauri... but I'm sure that they would know where to find us." Crowley says after a few minutes. He pulls back from the hug, hoping that it isn't the last, and sits down on the chairs Aziraphale has sitting by a bookcase.

"I don't think that would be the smartest decision, dear." Aziraphale says, sighing and sitting across from Crowley.

"How much time did they give you?" Crowley asks. He got the orders too, but he's always late to these things. Perks of being a demon.

"Not long, I suppose. They didn't specify." He says, putting his head in his hands. "Crowley, I can't do this." He sobs.

"You have to, Angel. I do too. We will meet again afterwards." Crowley says, knowing that they might never meet again. If one of them gets... he doesn't even want to think about it.

"No! No, I'm not going. We can go off together, avoid it all." Aziraphale suggests, but Crowley sighs. He wishes it were that simple.

"You know they would find us, and likely kill us, Aziraphale. We have to go." Crowley says, his hands shaking. He doesn't want to, but he has to be realistic about this.

"Crowley. There's so much... so many things. I can't- there's been too many things left unsaid." Aziraphale says, wiping his tears from his face and looking back up at the demon.

"Say them, then. We have a little time left. Say whatever is on your mind, and afterwards, I'll tell you what's on mine, okay?" Crowley suggests. It's motivation, that's for sure.

"But what if there isn't an afterward?" Aziraphale asks, worried.

"There will be." Crowley says, knowing that he'll fight tooth and nail to stay alive, just to tell Aziraphale what he's thinking.

"Crowley. Dear." Aziraphale breathes. "When I call you that, it isn't just out of habit, you know. I mean it. Crowley, I love you." Aziraphale says, letting out a breath, that's almost a laugh, through his tears. "I love you so much, Crowley. I will never stop loving you, even if we never meet again." Aziraphale says, tears flowing freely now.

Crowley smiles sadly, leaning forward and placing a hand on Aziraphale's leg, running his thumb in a circle. "I know, Angel." He smiles. "I love you too." He admits, feeling a weight drop off of his chest.

"Crowley, we can run off. Please!" Aziraphale cries, knowing that after this, after they've admitted it, he can't stand for that to be gone.

"Aziraphale." Crowley sighs, standing up, pulling the angel up with him. He puts his hands around Aziraphale's shoulders, pulling him closer, and then wraps his arms around the man's neck. "I love you." He says, leaning towards the angel. Aziraphale puts his hands on Crowley's hips, inching closer too.

"I love you." Aziraphale mutters, knowing that this is the last time they'll see each other for who knows how long.

Finally, their lips connect. Both breathe out a sad, relieved breath, holding each other tightly. They don't want this to end, but it likely will. One of them might not make it out of this war alive, and both are dreading the fight.

As Crowley tries to pull back to say something, Aziraphale shakes his head in protest. But eventually, they have to pull back. When they do, both are crying, but they have a small smile on their faces anyways.

"We'll see each other again, Angel. Do whatever you can to stay alive, and I'll do the same. When we get back, we can go off together, okay?" Crowley says, pulling the angel into a hug again, memorizing every inch of Aziraphale. He can't let himself forget.

"Crowley, when it's over, if we don't see each other before then, meet me back here. We'll go off then." Aziraphale says, breathing in Crowley's scent.

"Okay, Angel. We have to go. They're pulling me back now." Crowley says, grunting as he fights it for a few moments more.

"One more time." Aziraphale says, pressing his lips to Crowley's again, more quickly this time. "I love you, dear. Stay safe, please." Aziraphale says.

"I love you, you stay safe too." Crowley says, running a hand through Aziraphale's hair. "Goodbye, I'll see you soon." Crowley says as hell tugs at him one last time, and succeeds, leaving Aziraphale standing alone in his bookshop.

That's when Aziraphale gets pulled back up to heaven, and the war begins.

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