A Bit of Exploration~

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A/N so I started writing this like a month ago, and I kind of just kept going with the flow. It's not very focused until a good ways into the story, but I hope you'll enjoy it anyways!

Also, this is a long one as an apology for not posting much lately... it's 8,261 words, enjoy!

Aziraphale is borrowing the Bentley. Crowley acted reluctant, but of course he'd let Aziraphale take the Bentley on a trip. He just loves the banter.

Aziraphale explained that there was a convention in Edinburgh for antique books, and he has wanted to go. Crowley smiled and nodded as he went on and on about some book.

Crowley wasn't listening, when does he ever, instead, he was staring at Aziraphale's lips, smiling as he talked away. When Aziraphale looks at Crowley quizzically, he smiles a little and asks, "Are you listening, dear?"

Crowley laughs and rushing forwards, kissing the life out of Aziraphale. Aziraphale laughs into the kiss, he knows when he gets excited about something, Crowley gets excited too, just not in the same way.

The next day, Thursday, Aziraphale was packing the car up with help from Crowley, and they felt as if they were being watched. Of course, that's normal for two men living in a bookshop together in Soho, London. They shrug it off most of the time anyways.

Before Aziraphale steps into the car, Crowley hands him a thermos of tea and kisses him softly. "Love you Angel, be safe." Crowley says, patting the hood of the car, silently telling her to keep Aziraphale safe.

"Of course, dear. I love you too, I should be back early Sunday." Aziraphale smiles, a hand on Crowley's waist. He gives Crowley's waist a little squeeze and pecks him on the cheek again. "Goodbye, darling." Aziraphale says, making Crowley kiss him one last time, and then back away.

"Bye angel, call if you need anything. Anything at all." Crowley says, watching as the Bentley's engine starts up.

"I will, dear. Make sure you eat well while I'm gone." Aziraphale smiles, shutting his door, hearing the Bentley start to play his favorite music. Aziraphale smiles and drives off, starting the almost 8 hour drive to Edinburgh. It's going to be a long day, but it makes him feel better when he looks in his rearview mirror and sees Nina and Maggie questioning Crowley.

It's not like Crowley and Aziraphale have been hiding their relationship, necessarily, they just like to keep things to themselves.

About three hours into the car ride, Crowley's voice comes over the radio. Aziraphale smiled as he hears a loud sigh and his body plopping down on the couch. "Nina and Maggie?" Aziraphale asks, laughing under his breath.

"Insssufferable, those two." Crowley says, letting a small hiss come through his voice. Aziraphale raises an eyebrow at that.

"Darling are you alright?" Aziraphale asks, worried.

"'Course Angel. Why wouldn't I be?" Crowley asks, confused, but controlling the hiss in his voice.

"You hissed, are you sure that you're alright?" Aziraphale asks, worried for Crowley. He rarely ever hisses.

"Had a bit to drink, isss all." Crowley says, smiling as he looks up at the ceiling in the bookshop. "May've celebrated a bit with Nina and Maggie." He says, making Aziraphale let out a breath and smile.

"Celebrated? What, us?" Aziraphale asks, his heart swelling as he hears Crowley mutter a 'mhm.' "Well, did you have fun?" Aziraphale smiles, popping a candy into his mouth.

"Guess so, can't go wrong with alcohol, music, dancing, and food." Crowley giggles. Fucking giggles. Aziraphale loves it. Loves him.

"Dancing?" Aziraphale asks, smirk obvious in his voice. "I thought that the demon Crowley does not dance." Aziraphale laughs. Crowley's said many times before that he doesn't dance, most of the time, as him and Aziraphale are dancing, but that's not the point here. The point is... the point is he's dancing with Nina and Maggie.

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