The Trip~

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This is a long one, brace yourselves (6354 words)

Aziraphale and Crowley decided that they were going on a vacation. A much needed one, at that. Crowley suggested the beach, he honestly doesn't love the beach, but it would be a miracle to see Aziraphale in just swim trunks. Aziraphale turned it down though, suggesting that they go somewhere in the mountains.

Crowley didn't hate the idea, seeing Aziraphale all snuggled up on a porch somewhere, looking at the mountains and drinking a tea, it would be wonderful.

The only issue is, as a demon, as a snake, Crowley has a very high libido. He doesn't know how he will be able to contain himself in a cabin for a week with Aziraphale. He doesn't  know if he will be able to handle going a day without getting off, much less a week.

As the two pack for their vacation, Crowley packs the essentials— clothes, toothbrush, hairbrush, deodorant, cologne, and of course, a selection of toys and lube.

Crowley shoves the latter down further into his bag, hoping to someone that Aziraphale doesn't notice it. He can't handle that embarrassment.

Finally, the two have packed and Crowley drives to the bookshop, Aziraphale miracling the two to the Caucasus Mountains, specifically, Mount Elbrus in Russia. The two found a nice little cottage near the mountain range, so they booked it. As they check in, they realize that there is only one bedroom. Aziraphale assures Crowley that it's okay, he doesn't have to sleep, but Crowley insists that he does, against his better judgement.

The first day goes on as usual, exploring the town, relaxing with tea on the porch, looking at the gorgeous landscape, and then the two retreating to the bedroom after a nightcap.

"I'll take this side." Crowley says, snapping, allowing himself to put on his nightwear— just some black shorts. The angel nods and takes the other side of the bed, also doing a small miracle to put on his nightwear, a brown, satin set.

Crowley has to contain a groan at the sight. Aziraphale looks gorgeous.

Crowley shakes the thoughts from his head, and allows himself to fall asleep quickly, hoping that he didn't wake up the next morning with an issue...

When the two woke up, to Crowley's surprise, he didn't have an issue. The two got up and went to get breakfast at a small diner in town, and then decided their plans for the day, Crowley interjecting to say that he has some errands to run. Aziraphale accepts this lie, and plans around it, finding a cute bookshop to go to while Crowley runs his errands.

When the time comes, the two separate, agreeing to meet back at the cottage, and Crowley rushes back, feeling the need growing inside of him.

When he gets back to the cottage, he strips instantly, starts a bath, and grabs some of his things out of the bottom of the bag.

Crowley gets into the bath, trying to calm himself down, but it doesn't work. He's going to have to get off.

Crowley groans as he pushes his fingers between his legs, pushing one inside of him. He decides that the bath is not the right place for this, so he lets the water out and lays down on the bed. The bed that he shared with Aziraphale last night. The bed that still had the angel's scent in it.

"Fuck." Crowley groans, taking a deep breath, hoping that Aziraphale doesn't come back to see this. Crowley makes quick work of opening himself up with lubed fingers, and then he grabs one of his favorite toys. A vibrating dildo.

He pushes the toy into him, groaning loudly as the vibrations kick on, pressing against that spot inside of him. This is exactly what he needed.

Crowley pushes the toy in and out of him as he strokes himself with his free hand, moaning loudly throughout the whole thing. By the time he's getting close, he hears the front door open, and he panics. He rushes to clothe himself, and hide away any evidence of what has been happening. When the angel walks into the bedroom, Crowley is lying on his stomach, pretending to be asleep.

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