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Normal!Life AU

As Crowley's taxi arrives at the airport, he sighs dreadfully. He hates airports. There are always so many people, and the security is hell on earth.

He thanks his taxi driver, giving her a hefty tip, and opens the door, bringing his suitcase out with him. He just wants to take a trip back home to see his family, but the eight hour drive from London to Scotland isn't any better than the airport.

Crowley walks in, hearing the speakers saying numbers and "boarding now." over and over again in the most monotone voice ever. He walks up to the front desk to show his ticket, and walks into the seating area. He still has some time to kill before he boards.

After he sits for a few minutes, he's thankful to have gotten there early when the loud speakers announce that his flight, number 666, is boarding early. He stands from his seat with his suitcase and ticket ready, and walks towards security.

He places his suitcase on the conveyer and sighs dramatically when he is flagged. "Sir, please step to the side." A woman says, disregarding him and moving onto the next person.

Crowley does as instructed and he is taken to a small room by a white haired, blue eyed man. "Hello sir, I'm going to have to check your bag and pat you down, but I will make sure to do so quickly." The man says, smiling at Crowley.

Crowley smiles back, he's been flagged before, he knows the drill.

As the man opens his bag, he sees his name tag. It reads 'A.Z.'

"Az, is it?" Crowley asks, sitting in the seat he was instructed to sit in.

"Aziraphale, actually. Too long to put on a name tag, though." Aziraphale says, carefully placing all of Crowley's clothes and personal items on the counter, looking through the bag carefully.

"Well, Aziraphale, I've been flagged before, and I seriously do not have anything on me or in my bag that is a danger. Is there any way we can just let this go?" Crowley asks, desperately. He hates going through this.

"I'm sorry Mr..." Aziraphale checks Crowley's ID. "Mr. Crowley. I cannot do that." Aziraphale says simply, continuing to unzip all of Crowley's personal things and look inside.

"Just Crowley, and it's not like they care how things get done, just that it does." Crowley says, sighing dramatically.

"Yes, I do understand that, but I have made some mistakes in the past, and I am not willing to let myself be tempted to repeat history." Aziraphale says, kindly smiling at Crowley.

Crowley hadn't looked at Aziraphale before now. Not really, at least. To say that he's gorgeous is an understatement. He's angelic, ethereal, even.

"Alright." Crowley says, letting himself think that being pat down by this man may not be too terrible.

"Ah, what's this?" Aziraphale asks, seeing an unopened package.

"Uh... um that's.. it's personal." Crowley stutters, knowing exactly what is in that small cardboard box.

"You must know that you are prohibited from bringing unopened packages onto a plane, Crowley." Aziraphale scowls, bringing out a pocket knife and slicing through the tape easily. When he opens it, he understands Crowley's stuttering. "Oh." Aziraphale says, looking up at the man.

Crowley's blushing like crazy. Of course, only him. Only himself would bring an unopened package that is extremely embarrassing onto a plane.

"Well, Crowley, this is fine to bring on a plane, but it can't be in an unopened package." Aziraphale says, placing the contents of the box onto the table with the rest of his belongings.

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