A Not So Happy New Year's

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Crowley always loved New Year's Eve celebrations. He would hang out with the one person who he loved the most, they'd drink, eat a nice dinner, and then go to St. James' park to watch fireworks.

This year, it's different. Crowley is drinking alone, burying his sorrows in bottles of aged wine. He looks at the time, 11:30pm December 31st.

Crowley decides against his better judgement to walk over to St. James park and watch the fireworks alone. For the first time in his existence, he's truly alone.

When Crowley gets there, he's stumbling, so he finds his and Aziraphale's bench and sits, tears coming to his eyes. He looks around at all of the happy couples, even Nina and Maggie. He just wants that with his angel. Is that too much to ask?

Apparently so.

Crowley listens to the chatter around him and hears Maggie come up behind him. "Where's the angel?" She asks, making Crowley angry.

"Gone." He says simply, staring off.

"What happened? I thought you two were talking it out?" Maggie asks, waiving Nina over and sitting on the bench beside Crowley.

"He chose to go back to Heaven. Chose to run it." Crowley says, spitefully. He wishes he could've changed the angel's mind.

"Well that isn't too bad. He could make things better." Nina says, placing a hand on Crowley's shoulder.

"But what will I 'ave? I 'ave nothing without him!" Crowley says, angrily. He can't believe that the angel chose heaven over him. Can't believe that after all this time, he still can't turn away from them.

"Crowley, maybe you should get back home..." Maggie suggests, noticing the drunken state of the demon.

"No. Just leave me 'lone." Crowley says, Maggie nodding to Nina and then backing off, keeping an eye on him.

As he hears the countdown around him, all he can think of is kissing the angel again, this time, at midnight. "Aziraphale? Can you hear me? I hope so. How could you, angel? How could you walk away from me... from us and leave me alone on this planet. As much as I hate you right now, I wanted to tell you at midnight... I love you, I wish we coulda had forever together." Crowley says out loud, staring up at the sky, wondering if the angel heard him.

Aziraphale watches St. James' park from heaven, watching as Crowley struggles to walk, stumbles onto the bench, tells Nina and Maggie to go away. He wishes he could be in two places at the same time. He wants to be there with Crowley to watch the fireworks and lean on him when he gets tired.

There hasn't been one New Year's celebration that the two haven't been together. They have always been drunk and laughing at each other's stupid jokes. They have never been apart on this night.

Aziraphale zooms in on Crowley and hears him start to pray. He knows how much he's hurting Crowley by being up in heaven, but he didn't know how to say no. When he saw that Crowley waited on him just in case he changed his mind, he almost ran to the demon, but The Metatron was talking and walking away.

As Aziraphale hears Crowley's prayer, he breaks down into tears. "My dear boy." Aziraphale says sadly, reaching a hand into the globe in heaven. He wants to be there so badly.

"I love you too, dear." Aziraphale says, tears spilling rapidly. "Only if I could have been there with you tonight." He says sadly, looking down. When he looks up again, Crowley's no longer sitting on the bench.

He does a nationwide search and finds that Crowley is in his bookshop on the sofa. He's laying with his knees pulled up to his chest and crying like never before.

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