The Cold, The Them, The News

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As Aziraphale and Crowley get ready for bed in their cottage, Aziraphale goes to turn the heat on. It's winter, and it's freezing in their cottage. He doesn't mind, but his husband sure does. Being cold blooded hasn't been ideal for Crowley in the winter.

Aziraphale turns the heat up, but his thermostat gives him an error message. His heating is broken. "Crowley, dear?" Aziraphale calls out, seeing the demon come up from the couch with a blanket wrapped around him. "It looks like the heat is broken, darling." Aziraphale says, wrapping an arm around Crowley's waist.

"Shit." Crowley says, internally panicking. Sure he could just miracle himself to a warmer place, but then him and his angel wouldn't be able to sleep in their bed. They love their bed.

"Would you rather stay somewhere else for the night?" Aziraphale asks, worried about his husband's temperature.

"No, 's alright. I can turn tonight, try to stay warm." Crowley says, grabbing the angel's hand and walking into the bedroom. When the two get in there, Crowley moves a hand to Aziraphale's bow tie.

"What're you doing, love?" Aziraphale asks, a small smirk in his voice.

"You're warmer when you're naked..." Crowley admits, blushing. It's a weird thing for him to say, but if he's going to stay warm tonight, turning into his snake form won't be enough.

"Alright, dear." Aziraphale says, smiling as he helps Crowley unbutton his shirt, making sure that it stays neatly folded.

Crowley gets distracted, though, once the angel is bare-chested. He's absolutely mesmerizing. "Are you alright, Crowley?" Aziraphale asks, noticing how Crowley has paused.

"Yes, yeah I'm good, Angel." Crowley says, stuttering and blushing. Aziraphale smiles and accepts the answer, looking as Crowley's hands move down to his pants.

The demon unbuttons and unzips Aziraphale's tartan pants and slowly tugs them down his hips. Once they're on the floor, Crowley pushes Aziraphale so that he's sitting down on the bed, and squats down. Aziraphale smiles and sees as Crowley reaches for his feet, socks still on both limbs.

Crowley takes them off, setting them aside with Aziraphale's other clothes, and kisses each ankle. "You're gorgeous." Crowley mutters, finally pulling Aziraphale's briefs down, also putting them with the other discarded clothes.

Crowley can tell that Aziraphale is very close to sporting a hard-on, but he just wants to cuddle tonight. Stay warm.

Crowley lays Aziraphale on the bed and follows the angel down, turning into his snake form quickly.

Aziraphale smiles as the snake wraps around his body loosely, his head resting on his chest. "I love you, darling." Aziraphale smiles, pressing a kiss to the snake's head.

"Love you." Crowley says, hissing as he speaks.

"Stay warm, dearest. If you need me to adjust in any way, wake me. I do not want you to get too cold." Aziraphale says, smiling as he runs his hands along the snake's body.

"I will. G'night angel." Crowley says, shutting his eyes slowly, resting his head against Aziraphale's heart.

A little ways throughout the night, it is freezing. The only warmth Crowley's getting is from Aziraphale, but it's almost not enough. He needs to move around for a moment, find some warmer places to lay.

Crowley slithers down Aziraphale's body, resting his head on the angel's shin, smiling to himself as he finds new heat sources. The angel is always warm, and this is the most cozy Crowley has felt in ages.

Crowley ends up falling asleep curled around Aziraphale's torso and thigh. He's incredibly warm, and Crowley has no idea why or how, but Aziraphale does. The angel makes sure he keeps his body temperature above normal in order to make Crowley more comfortable.

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