Cleaning Up~

641 9 22

Semi-Normal Universe
Just without s2 e6

Crowley and Aziraphale just saved the world. Again. Thankfully, this time it was quicker, but not easier. Both of them have been injured, Crowley worse than Aziraphale, and both of their miracles are drained. They used too much strength, combined and alone that they can hardly stay upright.

When Crowley and Aziraphale return to the bookshop, getting many stares, they walk through the door and lock it behind them. "Will you allow me to help you clean yourself up, dear?" Aziraphale asks, leading Crowley up to his bathroom in the apartment above the bookshop.

Crowley's too low on energy to reply, all he lets out is a small "mmm," and that's all Aziraphale needs to help. He knows Crowley won't be able to clean up himself, and neither of their miracles are working at the moment, so the more hands the better.

Aziraphale twists the faucet, letting warm—but not too warm— water pour into his porcelain bathtub that has rarely been used before. It's an antique, with little gold accents on it, gorgeous legs on each corner, shiny and pristine. Just how Aziraphale keeps it.

Crowley gives Aziraphale a look and sticks a hand in the water. He hisses, the snake tongue making an appearance, and takes his hand away. "Can't go warmer?" Crowley asks, the snake in him wanting it to be hot water, not just warm.

"Of course." Aziraphale says, smiling softly. He turns the hot water on higher and Crowley sticks a hand in, humming. "Is that alright, dear?" Aziraphale asks.

"Yes s'good." Crowley says, blushing slightly. Aziraphale turns off the water and waits for Crowley to get undressed and into the bathtub. When Crowley hesitates, Aziraphale gets worried.

"Are you alright, Crowley?" Aziraphale asks, placing a hand on the demon's shoulder.

"'S just... can you turn 'round?" Crowley asks, nervously. He's about to be naked in front of the angel. Naked.

"Oh, alright." Aziraphale says, spinning on his heels and facing the wall away from the bathtub and Crowley. When he hears a belt buckle hit the floor and then movement of the water in the tub, he asks. "May I turn back?"

Crowley realizes there's no way of getting out of this. Aziraphale's going to help him clean up. He's going to see him eventually. He takes a deep breath and nods, "yeah." He says in a quiet, obviously worried breath.

Aziraphale turns back around and sets a towel on the ground, kneeling on it afterward. "Do you have any severe injuries?" Aziraphale asks, wanting to make Crowley feel comfortable with this. He knows it's new for the demon, but all Aziraphale wants to do is help him.

He can't say, though, that the sight of Crowley naked, vulnerable... it's doing things to him.

"Don't think so. Jus' aches." Crowley says, still blushing. Aziraphale nods and pours some soap into the bathtub, then running a bit more water to make it sudsy.

"Where does it ache?" Aziraphale asks, turning the water off and seeing bubbles forming, the sweet smell of lavender wafting from the bathtub.

"All ov'r." Crowley says, shutting his eyes and moving his head in a circle. When he hits a specific part, he groans and reaches up to his neck, wincing. "There. Hurts a lot." Crowley says, keeping his eyes shut. He jumps when he feels Aziraphale's warm fingers pull his own hand away from his neck.

Aziraphale puts some soap onto his hand and presses his fingers gently to the spot that Crowley pointed out. It's a little bruised, but very tight and rigid.

Aziraphale takes it slow, working his fingers deeper and deeper into Crowley's skin, pushing away all tension from the demon's skin. Crowley groans and Aziraphale can see that the water is becoming more red. Bright red.

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