The Dress~

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Crowley and Aziraphale are planning to go to dinner tonight, and maybe look at the stars from St. James park. They've made this into a weekly thing since Aziraphale got back from heaven and apologized to Crowley.

They use this dinner as a sort of debriefing on what's going on in heaven and hell, and then they drink and make a whole night out of it. Crowley loves these dinners with Aziraphale, but they haven't really talked about the whole kiss thing that happened before Aziraphale left for heaven.

He wants to talk about it. He wants to do it again. He wants to feel the angel's lips on his, and his hands pulling them closer together.

Crowley's going to bring it up tonight. After they have a few drinks, so that he has some courage.

As he gets ready for the dinner, he decides to wear something different than usual. He wants to feel good about himself, and he wants to show Aziraphale this other side of him that he's been hiding.

Crowley slips into his walk-in closet and picks out what he's going to wear. He inspects the choice and smiles, he hasn't worn this in a long time.

It's a dark red, long, tight dress. He smiles and undresses himself, slipping the dress on and staring at himself in the mirror. He looks stunning. He finds some of his shiny black heels and slips them on too. This is going to be a shock for Aziraphale, but Crowley loves it.

Aziraphale gets ready, putting on his normal outfit, nervously. He always gets nervous before these dinners, scared that Crowley will bring up the kiss. Truthfully, Aziraphale's never kissed someone before Crowley, and he's scared that he's going to mess it all up.

Aziraphale walks out of the bookshop and stands by the curb where Crowley pulls up. He opens the door and gets into the Bentley without looking too closely at Crowley, but when Crowley says hi, he looks over. "Oh." Aziraphale says, surprised. He looks at the outfit that Crowley's wearing, then up to his face where he can see some silver earrings hanging from his ears.

Crowley smiles and swipes some hair out of his face, Aziraphale noticing that it looks like he's curled it. "So, where to, Angel?" Crowley asks, dismissing the obvious questions on Aziraphale's mind.

"Er... wherever you want to go, I suppose." Aziraphale says, still mesmerized by Crowley's outfit choice. He can't tell if this is a joke or not, but either way, he adores the way Crowley looks right now.

"Sure thing. Carlotta sound okay?" Crowley asks, still smiling to himself.

"Yes, that sounds wonderful." Aziraphale says, smiling. He doesn't think it's a joke. He thinks that Crowley finally decided to wear something that he enjoys, and not hide it.

As the two drive in silence, the only noise being the radio, Aziraphale builds up the courage to ask about the outfit. "Crowley, dear," Aziraphale says, clearing his throat. "I think that you look very nice tonight." He says, blushing.

"Thanks, Angel. You do too." Crowley says, knowing that Aziraphale will correct him.

"No, I mean... in the dress. You look rather stunning in that dress. It suits you well." Aziraphale says, blushing even darker.

"Thank you, Aziraphale." Crowley smiles, knowing that Aziraphale loves the outfit choice.

When they arrive at Carlotta a few minutes later, they step out at the same time. Crowley's heels clicking as they make their way into the restaurant. Aziraphale falls behind Crowley, staring at his behind in awe, but soon catches up.

They get seated quickly and both order a glass of red wine. Crowley insists that it is of the highest quality. As they look at their menus, Aziraphale's foot taps Crowley's. Crowley looks up, but Aziraphale doesn't move a muscle.

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