Happy pride month

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Happy pride month!!! I hope you all know that whether or not you have support at home, there are always people like you. Connecting with others who are like you can help so so much if you're struggling.

I know I've been lacking on posting fics for a while, and no excuses! I will post more this month, especially bc GAY. Yk?

Anyways, I thought I'd share some things about myself this pride month

•I am bisexual
•I'm sort of kind of non binary. I like going by they/them, but not many people in my life know that, and not many would accept it, so I just tell the people who I'm closest with. Those two people use both they/them and she/her pronouns for me
•I'm 17 years old
•I live in southern United States, so I'm not in a very accepting place
•I will do LITERALLY ANYTHING to go to a pride parade
•I hope I move up north once I'm out of school
•my family is VERY conservative and VERY Christian. I know not all conservatives and Christian's dislike lgbtq+ people, but that's the way my family is, sadly
•I came out about 3-4 years ago. I only told my best friend at the time, though. She came out to me as bi a few months earlier and I got more and more comfortable with the label and finally told her.

and I'd love to hear your stories!

Anyways, that's enough about me, I thought I'd share this pic too

Anyways, that's enough about me, I thought I'd share this pic too

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Well, that's that, I guess.

Also, if y'all are out (and even if you're not or you're an ally), I highly suggest promoting this during pride (and whenever else, honestly)

Also, if y'all are out (and even if you're not or you're an ally), I highly suggest promoting this during pride (and whenever else, honestly)

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Love you guys so so much! Happy pride 🏳️‍🌈🫶

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