The Winchester Thing

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SPN and GO crossover!!!

As Crowley listened to Aziraphale reading, he felt a presence that was unusual. "Hello?" Crowley said, sitting up from where he was lying in Aziraphale's lap.

"Crowley, Aziraphale. It's nice to see you two." A voice said from behind a bookcase.

The voice emerged and there Castiel was. Castiel is another angel, he lives in Kansas, United States, so it's unusual for him to be here in Soho, London.

"Castiel!" Aziraphale smiles, looking behind the raven haired angel. "Dean and Sam, isn't it?" Aziraphale answers, Crowley calming down a bit, but staying alert.

"Yes, these are the Winchesters. Dean, Sam, this is Aziraphale and Crowley." Castiel says, gesturing to the Winchesters behind him.

"It's nice to meet you, Cas has told us a lot about you two." Sam smiles, walking to the couch and shaking Aziraphale's hand and reaching for Crowley's. Crowley's obviously hesitant, though.

"Crowley?" Aziraphale asks, confused as to why Crowley won't reciprocate the handshake.

"What? I'm a demon and they kill demons!" Crowley says, worried.

"Crowley, they're friends of Castiel." Aziraphale says, Sam putting his hand down and Dean scoffing behind them.

"Crowley, no harm will come to you." Castiel assures, Dean shaking his head.

"Dean? Do you have something you'd like to say?" Crowley asks, seeing the man's personality shine on his face.

"No, nope. I'm good." Dean says, thinking for a minute before sighing. "Okay, yes. You're a demon and an angel, how are you two friends? Why are you two friends? Doesn't Crowley do all the demon shit? Killing, possessing?" Dean asks, confused. Demons in America must be different.

"No, of course not." Aziraphale says. "Crowley is just like anyone else, he's kind." Aziraphale says, hearing Crowley groan.

"You know I hate it when you say that." Crowley says, dramatically.

"My apologies, dear." Aziraphale says, laughing as he puts a hand on top of Crowley's.

Crowley smiles and Aziraphale offers them a seat, offering to make tea for them all. They all politely declined, saying that they were more coffee drinkers.

"So are you two like... dating?" Dean asks, seeing their hands.

"Yes, is there a problem with that?" Crowley asks, protective of his angel.

"No. No, I just... you're dating him?" He asks Aziraphale, confused. He must really have his ways set in his mind.

Aziraphale smiles, "Yes I am. We have known each other for 6,000 years, Dean. We were angels together, and when he fell-"

"Sauntered downwards." Crowley corrects.

"Yes, well we stayed friends even though we were working on opposite sides." Aziraphale says, making Crowley grimace.

"Well we weren't really on opposite sides, per se, but we just went along with heaven and hell as far as we could." Crowley says, correcting the angel again.

"But you don't.. kill people?" Dean asks, Sam punching him in the arm. "What? I'm a little confused here!" Dean exclaims.

"No, I don't kill people. I never really took an interest in all the killing stuff. I just did temptations." Crowley says, a little offended.

"Possess?" Dean asks, Cas punching his arm now. Dean glares at him.

"No, I do not possess people either, Dean. Is there a problem?" Crowley asks, entirely tired of this conversation.

"And you guys are dating?" Dean asks, ignoring the question.

"Yes!" Crowley yells, tired of Dean's questions. "Is this because we're in male forms? Because if that's the case, then you're gonna regret that." Crowley says, standing up despite Aziraphale's pleas for him to calm down.

"No!" Dean says, sternly. "Just.. demons are different where I'm from." He says, showing a little fear.

"Good then." Crowley says, sitting back down and putting a hand on Aziraphale's knee, stroking his thumb in circles.

"Well... Castiel, it's good to see you, but did you come for a specific reason?" Aziraphale says after a moment of silence between them all.

"Yes, but I'd like to speak to you about it privately..." Castiel says. Dean and Sam don't bat an eye, they believe it's about 'Angel stuff' as Castiel explained it.

"Well then, let's go to the kitchen and talk. I'll make some coffee while we're in there." Aziraphale says, standing up and sending a look Crowley's way to warn him.

"So, Crowley, how long have you been on earth?" Sam asks politely. Crowley definitely likes Sam more than Dean.

"Since the beginning. Me and Aziraphale were up there making stars and proto-planets until earth was made and I fell." Crowley explains, Sam nodding in interest.

"So are you like Lucifer?" Dean asks, making Crowley mad once again.

"That bastard? No why would I be like him?" Crowley asks.

"Well, you fell. I thought Lucifer was the only fallen angel.." Dean asks, confused.

"When angels fall, they become demons, Dean. Lucifer was the first to fall though, so he became who he is now. He was sent to damnation, I was sent to hell, there's a difference." Crowley explains, Dean nodding.

Eventually, after Sam and Crowley talk for a few minutes more, Castiel and Aziraphale appear back in the room. "Alright, y'all ready to go back home?" Castiel asks, Dean nodding and standing quickly.

"It was great to meet you two." Sam says, once Dean's out of hearing range, he adds on "and I'm sorry about my brother. He's not very good at hiding what he's thinking." Sam adds, looking to Crowley. Crowley nods and smiles.

"It was nice to meet you too, Sam." He says, the two bidding goodbye as Castiel, Sam, and Dean return to the United States.

"What was it that Castiel wanted to talk about?" Crowley asks, turning to Aziraphale.

Aziraphale, though, turns to Crowley and pushes him down on the couch, straddling him quickly.

"Whoa, Angel." Crowley says, breathlessly.

"He wanted Dean to see that we were dating to show him that Castiel and him could be that way too." Aziraphale says, sliding his hands into Crowley's hair.

Aziraphale pushes his lips to Crowley's and Crowley opens his mouth, kissing Aziraphale back passionately.

When Aziraphale feels it is necessary to breathe, he moves his lips to Crowley's neck. "Wh-what's this about, Angel?" Crowley asks, groaning as Aziraphale's hands grip his hair tightly.

"Nothing," Aziraphale mouths at Crowley's neck. Crowley moans softly and pulls Aziraphale's face back from his skin.

"This is about me getting mad at Dean, isn't it?" Crowley asks, Aziraphale blushing.

"You were trying to be protective of me." Aziraphale says softly, smiling at Crowley.

"Well, yeah. I had to be." Crowley says, Aziraphale smiling wider.

"No you didn't. You wanted to protect me, even if it were from a homophobe." Aziraphale smiles, moving his lips back to Crowley's neck, pulling his shirt aside and sucking a hickey into his shoulder.

"You were flustered by me being protective of you." Crowley says, in one long breath.

"Mhm." Aziraphale smiles, biting Crowley's shoulder. "More than flustered, dear." He says, making Crowley laugh and then moan.

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