Crowley's Problem~

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I got this idea from a tiktok (the pic at the top) from @according_to_mia . When I saw it, I just had to write it.

Crowley's frustrated. Extremely so, in fact. He has no idea what to do about it either. He has never been this sexually frustrated in all of his years of creation.

He's been in this almost constant state of desire. He needs somebody to touch him, needs that release from another person. He's tried to do it on his own, but it just hasn't made a difference.

Crowley doesn't want to do anything like this with some random person, he wants it to mean something. He needs it to mean something. He's been cooped up in his flat for almost two days now, just trying to get the feeling to go away, but nothing has worked.

Not even the toys he tried to use.

Crowley groans as he tries to get off again, but it just isn't satisfying. He needs somebody.

Against his better judgement, Crowley leaves his flat in the disheveled state that he's been in, and gets into the Bentley. He drives quickly to Aziraphale's bookshop, as he usually does, but he's completely dazed.

When he gets to the shop, he makes sure nobody is looking, and he rushes out of his car into the building. He shuts and locks the door and Aziraphale looks up from his book. "Crowley!" Aziraphale smiles. He looks at how wrecked Crowley looks, and his eyebrows furrow. "Are you okay?" He asks.

"No." Crowley says, feeling like his chest is going to explode with how much he's feeling right now. Every sensation, every sense, every touch of fabric to his skin is like fire.

"What's wrong, dear?" Aziraphale asks, walking over to Crowley and wrapping an arm around his back, leading him to the couch.

"I- I'm not sure. I..." Crowley tries to explain what's been going on, but he's embarrassed. His cheeks heat up and turn red.

"Crowley, what's going on?" Aziraphale asks, but Crowley can't answer. His pants are tented like never before and all he needs is some touch.

"Aziraphale, please." Crowley wines, squeezing his eyes shut.

Aziraphale looks over Crowley's body and realizes how on edge he is. He seems very tense. He uses a little miracle to find out what's causing Crowley to be this way, and gasps when he figures it out. "Oh, Crowley." Aziraphale says, putting a hand on Crowley's arm, noticing that his sleeves are rolled up.

"Angel." Crowley says, the angel's fingertips shooting fire through his skin.

"Okay, Crowley." Aziraphale says, moving closer. "Let me know if you aren't alright... please." Aziraphale says, a little nervous. He's going to help Crowley out, of course, but he's scared of what this will do to their friendship.

"Yeah- yes I will, of course." Crowley says, eyes meeting Aziraphale's. He's so desperate for the angel's touch.

Aziraphale places a hand on Crowley's cheek and pulls the two together, kissing the demon softly. Crowley tries to make the kiss turn more rough, but Aziraphale moves his lips away before he gets the chance.

Aziraphale moves his lips to Crowley's neck, pressing warm, wet, open-mouthed kisses to the skin there. Crowley groans and presses the back of Aziraphale's head, pushing him into Crowley's neck more.

"Angel, please." Crowley says, again. He blushes at that, he's never begged for something like this.

"What is it? Do you want me to stop?" Aziraphale asks, nervously.

"No! No, please. Just... touch me." Crowley says, quickly. He doesn't want Aziraphale to move an inch, but he wants the angel more than just this.

"Oh, very well, dear." Aziraphale says, relieved that he isn't doing anything that Crowley doesn't want. Aziraphale moves his hand down to Crowley's thigh, placing his lips back onto the demon's neck, starting to suck at the skin and bite it softly. Crowley lets out a quiet moan and Aziraphale loves it.

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