The War (part 2)

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A continuation of the last chapter-
17 years later.

Aziraphale grunts as he stores away all of his battle equipment, and sits on his cot. Angels don't really sleep much, but heaven and hell agreed on a grace period from 12:00am to 6:00am in order to recuperate. "Principality!" A young angel says, walking up to Aziraphale.

"Mabel, I've told you that it is alright to call me Aziraphale. I quite prefer it, actually." Aziraphale smiles, patting the side of his cot for them to sit down.

"I do apologize, Princ- Aziraphale." Mabel smiles, Aziraphale laughing a little. "How long do you expect this to last?" They ask, looking worried. They aren't the best fighter out there, and they are extremely worried that their whole life will be this war.

"I'm not sure, child." Aziraphale sighs. He's taken Mabel under his wing, shown them the ropes of fighting, acted as a father to them. All he wants is for this war to end, it's been 17 years for God's sake! "I hope it will be all over soon, but there's no guarantee." Aziraphale adds sadly.

"Did you leave anyone behind when the war started?" Mabel asks, curiously. They don't know much about Aziraphale, but they do know that in the early years of the war, he was very sad.

Aziraphale is shocked at the question. Nobody except Mabel has cared. "Yes, I did." He says, letting his mind wander to Crowley, hoping that the demon is still alive and well, and he still loves Aziraphale.

"May I ask who? Were they a friend? Human?" Mabel asks, putting a hand on Aziraphale's shoulder, seeing that he's saddened by the question.

"His name is Crowley. He's a demon. We have been best friends since the beginning, but when we got the orders to fight, it became more than that." Aziraphale says quietly, hoping that nobody is outside of his tent listening. "He's the love of my existence, and I haven't seen him in over 17 years." Aziraphale says, letting a tear drop from his eyes for the first time since the war started.

"You're... with a demon?" Mabel asks, carefully, hoping that it didn't come off as judgmental.

"Yes, I know you probably don't approve of that, nobody else does, but you'd love him if you met him." Aziraphale says, wishing and praying to The Almighty that he gets to see the demon again.

"Tell me about him, maybe I'll get to meet him one day." Mabel says, excitedly. "Cause I've never met a demon... I thought they were all bad." Mabel states, making Aziraphale shake his head.

"Not all of them are like the ones we've fought. Crowley used to be, but he always had a soft side to him. He cares. Cares about people, humanity, earthly items. He's much like me in that way. I used to own a bookshop, kept thousands of books. Crowley, though, he adores plants, and ducks, and children. When the flood happened, he was very worried about the children who were to be drowned." Aziraphale says, smiling at the fond memory. "He is the best man I have ever met, Mabel." He adds, letting more tears fall.

"He sounds wonderful, Aziraphale. Maybe, after all of this is over, you'd take me to meet him?" Mabel asks, hoping that the answer will be yes. They want to meet the demon who made Aziraphale fall in love with him.

"Of course, Mabel." Aziraphale smiles.

"You've been best friends for thousands of years... did nobody try to stop you two from being friends?" Mabel asks, making Aziraphale laugh.

"Everyone did." He says, smiling. "We were too stubborn." He laughs, thinking about the almost Armageddon years prior.

"That's lovely." Mabel smiles, hugging Aziraphale tightly. Aziraphale hugs back, smiling as well.

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