The Asher Incident

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Prompt: Jealous Crowley suggested by Athyanas

As Crowley strolls into the bookshop on a day when the shop is obviously closed, he hears music playing. He stops in his tracks and looks back to make sure the door was locked. It was. It isn't unusual for Aziraphale to listen to music, but not this kind of music.

"Angel?" Crowley asks, cautiously. He can't sense another being in the shop other than Aziraphale, but someone else has definitely been here. There are four empty tea cups on the table and this strange music. "Aziraphale?" Crowley asks louder, hearing Aziraphale walk into the main room of the bookshop.

"Oh, hello dear! How has your day been?" Aziraphale asks once in sight of Crowley.

Crowley can barely stand the sound of this music, it's odd. He snaps and the music stops playing. "Crowley!" Aziraphale says, worried that the record might have snapped.

When he sees that it hasn't, he returns back to Crowley. "Dear, are you alright?" Aziraphale asks, concerned.

Crowley takes a deep breath and tries to compose himself. He cannot let himself set off the smoke alarms, thus drenching every book in sight with water from the sprinklers.

He has to remind himself; the angel is not his. They are not one. They are two separate people who have two different lives.

"Who's been here?" Crowley asks, taking a deep breath as he tries to sound as calm and casual as possible.

"Nina and Maggie, they brought me a new record to hear!" Aziraphale says, a small blush coming over his cheeks and an eyebrow twitch.

"You're lying." Crowley says, pointing at the table. "Four tea cups. You, Nina, and Maggie are only three people." Crowley says simply, trying his hardest not to show the jealousy boiling in his blood.

Breathe Crowley. He isn't yours.

"Dear, it is nothing to worry about." Aziraphale says, knowing Crowley's tendencies... his jealousy...

"Who else was here, Angel?" Crowley asks calmly. He simply wants to know, that's all. He certainly isn't going to run a full background check, grill Nina and Maggie for information, and quite possibly tempt them to move to another country.

"Fine!" Aziraphale exclaims. "Nina and Maggie brought a friend who they thought I would like. He suggested me a few books to read, and gifted me a couple of records." Aziraphale says, busying himself with cleaning up the tea cups and returning the record back into its sleeve.

"Who was he?" Crowley asks, jealousy boiling over. It's obvious when he gets jealous, anyone who knows him could see it. He just has no reason to be jealous, he's his best friend, Aziraphale, the angel who he's known for 6,000 years, not his partner.

"His name was Asher. He was very kind, Crowley, I think you would like him." Aziraphale says, sitting down once all the busy work was done.

"I highly doubt that, Angel." Crowley says. "He gifted you records the first time you two have met? Suggested books, too?" Crowley asks, a little in shock. Of course Aziraphale was absolutely gorgeous, of course he was irresistible, of course he was so smart he could tell you about anything you ask, of course a human would take interest in him.

"Not quite..." Aziraphale says, a little nervous to tell Crowley this. The two aren't partners, but Aziraphale knows they are more than friends. More than best friends, even. They're supposed to be a group, a group of the two of them.

"How do you mean?" Crowley asks, taking his glasses off and setting them down on the little horse statue by the door.

"Well, we have met before." Aziraphale says cautiously. He knows Crowley. His jealously. He cannot feed into it. Cannot make it worse. The demon may spiral.

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