Snake Times

310 4 2

704 B.C.

Crowley has been in his snake form for as long as he can remember. He feels so much more free this way, but he hasn't been seeing Aziraphale as much since he's decided to go full-time snake.

He thinks Aziraphale is repulsed by his snake form, it's just a constant reminder that he's a demon.  A reminder that he's The Serpent of Eden.

Crowley, though he cares what Aziraphale thinks, wants to be most comfortable in his body either way. He was in his human corporation for a long time after Eden, but it just never felt completely right.

About 100 years since he turned full snake, he runs into Aziraphale again. At first, Aziraphale doesn't notice him, or doesn't recognize him at least. Crowley's content with this. He sits on his warm rock, sunbathing, watching the angel from a distance.

Suddenly, the angel looks around, confused, and spots the black, red bellied snake. "Crowley!" Aziraphale smiles, walking towards the demon's favorite spot.

"Azsssiraphale." Crowley says, hissing on his 's.' He secretly loves the way he sounds as a snake.

"How have you been, my dear? I haven't seen you in... what a century?" Aziraphale asks, sitting down beside the warm rock.

"Been good, Angel. And yourssself?" Crowley asks, wanting nothing more than anything to curl up in the angel's lap. Since returning to his snake form, he's become more primal, more animalistic, he's unknowingly taken many aspects of a snake's thought process. Including wanting a mate.

"I've been quite well. Is there any particular reason you're in your snake form?" Aziraphale asks and Crowley hisses. "Dear, I'm just wondering." Aziraphale says, placing his hand beside the snake's face on the rock.

"Like it. Feelssss good." Crowley says, simply. If he had shoulders, he'd be shrugging.

"How long have you been this way?" Aziraphale asks, genuinely just curious.

"Ssssince the lasssst time we met." Crowley says, pushing his snout against the angel's warm skin.

"Oh, that's lovely, dear! I'm glad you're happy with your snake form." Aziraphale says, moving his hand momentarily, Crowley hissing at him. Aziraphale smiles and runs his hand along the snake's back, his coils looking gorgeous as the red and black wrap around each other.

Crowley's surprised by this for more than one reason. Firstly, Aziraphale's happy that he's in his snake form. Happy that he's happy. Secondly, the angel is petting him. He can't say it doesn't feel amazing, though. His scales quiver under the gentle touch of the angel's warm, soft hand. He's so incredibly warm.

"Feelssss good." Crowley says, shutting his eyes and letting himself feel the angel touching his body.

"Does it?" Aziraphale asks, surprised.

"Warm. You're warm." Crowley says, correcting his previous statement.

"Well it is rather warm outside today. Aren't you too warm?" Aziraphale asks, worried that he's overheating the snake.

"No. Never too warm. Love warm. Cold blooded and all." Crowley says, his speech becoming less of full sentences and more of just words strung together.

"That's right! I almost forgot. If you would be amenable, I could bring you to this gorgeous stream a little ways away. The sun shines directly on its shore, you'd like it, I think." Aziraphale smiles, pausing his movements.

"Sssure, angel. How far isss it?" Crowley asks, a little unsure of if he can keep up with Aziraphale.

"It's only about three miles east." Aziraphale says, standing up excitedly.

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