The Bartender~

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Aziraphale, Nina, and Maggie decided to go out to the pub after work. They all met up at Aziraphale's bookshop and got ready, driving over there in Aziraphale's old, busted up, tan 1954 Chevrolet Bleair.

They walked in and sat down at a table, Aziraphale heading towards the bar to grab their drinks. He ordered and grabbed the drinks from a very handsome man. He had long fiery red hair tied up into a bun, he had the most gorgeous golden eyes, light freckles littered all over his cheeks and nose, his tight, all black uniform leaving nothing to the imagination, and he wore a smug grin as he spoke.

Aziraphale took the drinks over to Nina and Maggie, them obviously raising their eyebrows at the blush spread across Aziraphale's cheeks. He waved them off and sat down with them, handing them their drinks. They talked for a little while, Aziraphale occasionally glancing over at the gorgeous bartender.

Nina and Maggie insisted that the bartender was staring back at him, but of course, Aziraphale didn't believe it. Why would someone like him find someone like Aziraphale attractive?

As they drink their drinks and get more, Aziraphale begins going into detail about some book he's been reading lately. The girls are obviously uninterested, but they'll listen as long as he'll talk.

When the girls have totally tuned out Aziraphale, Nina glanced over at the bartender. He had a rag thrown over his shoulder as he made a drink, and then began wiping the counters once again. Every few minutes, he would glance up and look at Aziraphale. He was very obviously infatuated with him.

Nina did a little head tilt to signal the bartender over, neither Maggie nor Aziraphale noticing. The bartender gave her a strange look, and Nina looked at Aziraphale and raised her eyebrows.

The bartender understood. He walked over to the table, smirking slightly as he came up with a plan.

"This guy bothering you ladies?" He asks, smirking.

Nina smiled and said, "He can be if you want him to be." As she smirked at Aziraphale. Aziraphale's face went dark red and he looked at Nina in surprise.

"Alright then. Sir, please come with me." The bartender says, seeing Aziraphale get up, confused, but blushing. The girls whisper amongst themselves, a mischievous smile on their faces as the two walk away.

"I do apologize for any confusion, but wasn't bothering them... we came here together." Aziraphale says, very confused and concerned about what this man was going to do about this.

The bartender didn't say a word. He just held a hand up to tell Aziraphale to stay where he was, and then walked over to the computer behind the bar and clocked out as a coworker of his took over.

He motions for Aziraphale to continue following him, and he was led into the back alley of the pub.

"Sir, this is a misunderstanding. I was not bothering them!" Aziraphale said, exasperated. The bartender knew that they came together. He knew that he wasn't being a creep. Why is he doing this?

"I know." The bartender said, walking close to Aziraphale as they stopped about a hundred feet from the door.

"Then what is this about?" Aziraphale asked, confused.

The bartender walked up to him, backing him against the wall. He put his hands on either side of Aziraphale's hips, palms flat against the wall. "Your friend tipped me off, you know. The sassy one." The bartender says, moving even closer to Aziraphale, their knees bumping together now.

"'Tipped you off?' What are you talking about?" Aziraphale asks, extremely confused. This can't be what he thinks it is.

"I'm talking about how right as you walked in, you were eyeing me up. You were practically drooling. And multiple times, as you were talking to your friends, you would glance over at me to see if I was looking back at you. I was, by the way." The bartender says, slotting their legs together against the brick wall.

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